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Kingsley, Charles in correspondent 
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Charles Kingsley
Charles Robert Darwin
31 Jan 1862
Source of text:
DAR 169.1: 29

CK defended CD’s theory at a shooting party with the Bishop of Oxford, the Duke of Argyll, and Lord Ashburton. The discussion started as a result of shooting some blue rock-pigeons which were different from blue rocks of other localities. CK held that all pigeons were descended from one species.

CK proposed that mythological races, e.g., elves and dwarfs, were intermediate species between man and apes, and have become extinct by natural selection; i.e., by competition with a superior white race of man.

Darwin Correspondence Project
Charles Robert Darwin
Charles Kingsley
6 Feb [1862]
Source of text:
Cleveland Health Sciences Library (Robert M. Stecher collection); 19th Century Shop (dealer) (March 2014)

Comments on CK’s letter [3426].

Identifies species of pigeon shot by party.

On CK’s "grand and awful" notion of genealogy of man, CD recalls how revolting was the thought that his ancestors must have been like the Fuegians. His present belief that they were hairy beasts is less revolting.

Darwin Correspondence Project