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Sir James Edward Smith
James Sowerby
21 Jan 1812
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/JS/15, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for drawings and "curious residium of burnt banknotes". Thinks it would be more valuable to keep the copyright of "English botany" as a perpetual source of income rather than selling it. Returning drawings for "English botany" no.244 and "Flora Graeca", finishing the third fasciculus. Has named and returns Sowerby's Labrador plants, except 'Swertia rotata' and true Linnaean 'Campanula uniflora', and his Irish 'Agrostis'. Requests return of German book on fungi. Sends specimens of 'Carex salina' and 'C. ustulata', with another 'Eriophorum' from "indefatigable" George Don.

[Draft of Sowerby's reply, in pencil:] Sends plants and drawings.

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
21 Jan 1812
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/104, The Linnean Society of London

Busy with the National Schools for the Education of the Poor. Received Smith's shilling in the post and notes it was not tampered with; wishes others were as careful as Smith in ensuring their correspondence is not chargeable to the recipient, as the "vain-glorius Lancaster" [probably John Lancaster (1778-1838), Quaker and public education innovator] did to him in sending a copy of his "seditious" speech in Ireland and an Irish newspaper. Refuses to join the Linnean Dining Club as he does not wish to have his carriage waiting so publicly outside the British Coffee House, the chosen venue for it. Unsurprised to read that "riot & robbery stalk abroad uncontrolled", and even expected it considering how the upcoming generation of men educated upon Lancaster's plan were kept from religious notions and now have a "very general indifference with respect to all religion". No Linnean Society news, [Aylmer Bourke] Lambert "enamoured of being in the Chair". Currently preparing two arduous sermons.

The Linnean Society of London