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Carlo Antonio Ludovico Bellardi
Sir James Edward Smith
20 Feb 1788
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/2/27, The Linnean Society of London

Will send plants Smith has requested through Mr Malanotte, plus any other plants desired from "Flora Pedemontana", for a stated price. Prevented from publishing fascicules by conditions in the "Clinica", but with [Carlo] Allioni's consent will publish "Nomenclatura Stirpium Pedemontana", and asks Smith to check new plants against Linnaeus's herbarium. Requests rules of Linnean Society following his election as a correspondening member. Asks for a selection of exotic seeds for two amateur botanist friends of his, a complete series of lichens and seeds of 'Rheum rhabarbarum', 'Rheum palmatum', 'Rheum ribes', 'Rheum tataricum' and 'Rheum hybridum'. The Agrarian Society he is a member of has been appointed a Royal Society by the King. Has received the specimen of 'Lichen cucullatus' Smith found at Mont Cenis, Savoy, but believes it may be 'Lichen rivularis'.

The Linnean Society of London
Carlo Antonio Ludovico Bellardi
Sir James Edward Smith
15 May 1788
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/2/28, The Linnean Society of London

Address of the merchant Smith is to send seeds to Turin through and additional request for seeds of 'Hedysarum gyrans'. Publishing a refutation of an attack by Dr Dalguiri.

The Linnean Society of London
Carlo Antonio Ludovico Bellardi
Sir James Edward Smith
16 Jul 1788
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/2/29, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks Smith for seeds, some of which have been planted along with seeds Smith intended for [Giovanni Antonio] Scopoli before his death. Scopoli's third fasciculus has been published. A dissertation by Linnaeus published by Smith is being translated into Italian. Enjoyed reading Smith's inaugural [Linnean] dissertation. Collecting the plants on Smith's list and enquires if there are any more. [Carlo] Allioni and [Rodrigo de] Sousa [Coutinho] send their respects. A minor disagreement with Daquin has required Bellardi to add some botanical observations to "Flora Pedemontana". Sending seeds of 'Phalaris savilianensis' which he believes to be different from 'Phalaris phleoides'.

The Linnean Society of London
Carlo Antonio Ludovico Bellardi
Sir James Edward Smith
22 Nov 1788
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/2/30, The Linnean Society of London

Has sent plants requested by Smith, list attached [third page]. Unable to send required number of specimens of 'Potentilla valderia' so has substituted them for 'Aldrovanda vesiculosa', otherwise there are 55 specimens per individual plant bar 20 specimens of 'Juncus spicatus'. Financial details. Will send flowers of 'Dryas octopetala' in the summer. Also sending a box of plants from [Carlo] Allioni and a box of rare plants from Bellardi which he would like Smith to compare along with the 'Arenariae' mentioned in last letter. Sends specimen and seeds of 'Panicum dactylon' and 'Poa gerardi' of "Flora Pedemontana" he believes may belong to the genus 'Festuca'. [Fulgenzio] Vitman's ["Summa plantarum"]. Asks Smith to send seeds for a friend. Wishes to be informed on Linnean Society news and would be happy to meet [Edmund] Davall.

The Linnean Society of London