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Edmund Davall
Sir James Edward Smith
5 May 1789
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/6, The Linnean Society of London

Flights of 'Ampelis garrulus'; received shot specimen of 'Oriolus galbula'. Examined insect 'Hister quadrimaculatus', thinks it rare. Has specimen of 'Ribes alpinum' for Smith; 'Astragalus monspessulanus' coming into flower in garden. Thinks the 'Thilco' in Feuillée's "Description of the medicinal plants of Chili & Peru" (1709) is 'Fuschia coccinea'. Pleased Smith is figuring 'Sonchus alpinus' in his first fasciculus ["Icones plantarum"]; found '[Sonchus] canadensis' in his garden. Will send specimen of [Albrecht von] Haller's 1338. Wishes François [Borone, Smith's assistant] to put aside as many plants for him as possible.

[Jean Louis Antoine] Reynier [(1762-1824), botanist] should be expelled from Linnean Society "as an arrogant & foolish enemy of Linnaeus"; [Jacob] Wyttenbach, [Berthout] Van Berchem and others in Switzerland despise him for his manner during sale of his herbarium, and he is now renaming plants. Will send specimen of 'Carex tomentosa'. Praises [James] Sowerby's artistry. Leaves definition of 'Choenopodium polyspermum' to Smith. Has one specimen of the 'Hypenica'. Has a pair of chamois horns for Smith. Thanks for Sir Joseph Banks' fruits for Wyttenbach. Apologises to [Joseph] Jacquin for almost naming the [Nikolaus] Jacquin's 'Draba stellata', 'Draba saxatilis'. L'Heritier spoke to him about 'Spartium' and Swiss flora though Davall is shamed by Smith's report of his behaviour. Hopes print his work at Berne rather than Lausanne.

The Linnean Society of London
Edmund Davall
Sir James Edward Smith
22 May 1789
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/7, The Linnean Society of London

Sending a hurriedly prepared package of plants including 'Cistus' and 'Carex tomenstosa'. An error in 'Spartium'. Sends box of cryptogamia for [James] Dickson from Ducros. Visiting convent at top of St Bernard in August, said to be the most elevated habitation known and higher than plain of Mount Cenis. Forgot to pack 'Valeriana montana' and 'Crocus vernus'.

The Linnean Society of London