Search: Don, George in correspondent 
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Linnean Society of London in repository 
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George Don
Sir James Edward Smith
20 Oct 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/10, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for letter and seeds of 'Limosella aquatica'. Recently received letter from [James] Sowerby containing a statement of his fasciculus [presumably Don's "Herbarium Britannicum" (1804-1812)], the first he has received since publishing the first 5 years ago; in "consequence of his negligence" he has brought "very considerable expense" and will be forced to give it up after printing seventh and eighth numbers. If Sowerby was the sole publisher of "English botany" he would not send any further plants, but encloses 4 of his recent discoveries for Smith's account.

Numbered observations on enclosed specimens: 1. 'Hypericum barbatum' or 'H. elegans'; 2. unknown species of 'Lamium', like 'L. amplexicaule', suggests 'L. intermedium'; 3. possible 'Juncus fasciculata'; new species of 'Equisetum'. Had intended to send them to be published in "Linnean Transactions". Identified one of the grasses he sent Smith last year as 'Agrostis arumdinacea', and has possibly found 'Bromus triflorus'.

The Linnean Society of London
George Don
Samuel Goodenough
17 Dec 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/GD/11, The Linnean Society of London

Hopes Goodenough received package sent via [Charles] Lyell and [James] Sowerby, which included: 'Agrostis arundinacea', 'Carduus polyanthus', new 'Choraphyllum', 'Centaurea intybacea', and 'Urceolaria deamonta'.

Numbered observations on enclosed specimens: 1. 'Carex' like 'C. michellia'; 2. 'Carex' like 'C. flacca'; 3. new 'Carex'; 4. 'Saxifraga' distinct from 'S. hynoides'; 5. new 'Silene' proposed 'S. intermedia'; 6. new 'Silene' proposed 'S. hybrida'; 7. unknown 'Epilobium'; 8. 'Mesea longiseta'; 9. 'Orabus angustifolius'; 10. 'Hieracium' near 'H. alpinum'.

Observations on 'Hieracium ramosum' and 'Epilobium caudifolium'. If he had known what Goodenough said of Sowerby in sufficient time would not have troubled him. Will send 'G. uliginosum' and 'Galium verrocosum' seeds in summer, observation on 'Equisetum'. Asks Goodenough to forward this letter to Dr [James Edward] Smith.

Four plant specimens, including 1, 3 and 8.

The Linnean Society of London