Asks CD’s help with problem that arose when he tried to impregnate an orchid following CD’s text in Orchids.
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Asks CD’s help with problem that arose when he tried to impregnate an orchid following CD’s text in Orchids.
Thanks CD for his full reply. Sends additional facts derived from further observation, and a possible solution.
On CD’s request to observe bee Ophrys: PHG’s son collected 16 plants – of the 32 flowers, two had lost both pollinia, two had lost one each. He himself found two plants with pollinia adhering to the stigma.
Asks how he can identify pollen-tubes.
Has succeeded in impregnating orchids of widely different genera with each other’s pollinia. "Is not this something new?"
Offers to exchange Catasetum for other varieties.
Can only conjecture that the problem occurs because the plant is not living in its natural conditions. Refers to what he said on Acropera [in Orchids]. Many plants under culture have sexual functions altered.
Asks PHG to look at bee Ophrys at Torquay to see if pollinia are ever removed. "It is my greatest puzzle."
PHG’s hypothesis [regarding the self-fertilising mechanism of Stanhopea] may prove quite true, but CD suggests that PHG should observe another spike to make sure. CD will observe his Stanhopea if it flowers.
Discusses microscopic observation of pollen tubes.
Unable to exchange orchids because of his illness.