Has despatched a letter on a subject of concern to JH to the editor of the Saturday News, but now feels it is too feeble. Is mostly feeling too ill to write or think for long.
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Has despatched a letter on a subject of concern to JH to the editor of the Saturday News, but now feels it is too feeble. Is mostly feeling too ill to write or think for long.
Hopes he will accept a Christmas box, viz, a portrait of Sir William Herschel by Thomas Lawrence. It was given him by his friend Sir John Kirkland, who is sure of its authenticity.
Hopes JH's argument favoring pound sterling will be read by members of Parliament.
[J. B.] Smith plans second reading [of metric bill] on 18 [Apr.] before Parliament adjourns. AH will approve it again. Philip Harwood, editor of Saturday Review, asks for article by JH on [metric system] before House votes on it.
Philip Harwood, editor of Saturday Review, wants to use JH's letter as part of article on metric system on 13 May [1871] in anticipation of 16 May debate in House [of Commons]. Second reading of bill was postponed until 6 June.