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Thomas Johnes
Sir James Edward Smith
6 May 1810
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/16/87, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for Smith's letters of 24 April and 3 May, his daughter [Mariamne Johnes] thanks Smith for the seeds. Has had a severe cold and fever and sprained his ankle in a fall. Asks Smith's brother the best place and persons to buy crimson serges from. Flattered by Smith's dedication [in his "Tour to Hafod" (1810)]; crossed out a few words in the preface for displaying "far too much vanity on my part, and alas this place has gained me enemies enough". Supposes it comes out the same time as his [Enguerrand de] Monstrelet [(1400-1453), French chronicler] translation, of which the entire edition has sold before publication. Impatient to go home but it will not be complete till the end of the month. Surprised by number of books he has saved from the fire or from being thieved; Smith's "Insects [of Georgia]" amongst them, and once all arranged expects to have a finer collection than before.

[In postscript] thanks Smith for wheat, which he sowed into the garden straight away.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Johnes
Sir James Edward Smith
29 Jul 1810
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/16/88, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for Smith's letter of 13 June but still waiting for "the handsome present", blames White [publisher] for not following his advice. Found that the best market for the serges he wanted is in Bristol; thanks Smith for his assistance. Knows little of [Thomas] Andrew Knight and does not share the same opinion "which he seems to have of himself".

Always though D'Eon "a man, & that it was a gambling trick of that scoundrel de Morande to gain money by the policy", and all has now turned out as he expected. Discusses [William] Windham's [(1750-1810), politician] death and his former friendship with him; received a letter from him just before the event. Returned to Hafod first week of June but workmen still here and has no bed to offer anyone. Satisfied to find that all he planned surpasses his expectations, "both for comfort & magnificance", and it is far superior to the old house.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Johnes
Sir James Edward Smith
22 Sep 1810
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/16/89, The Linnean Society of London

Sending portfolio of drawings soon but Stadler wants them a little longer. Has not had his copies of his [Enguerrand de] Monstrelet [(1400-1453), French chronicler] translation; describes the contents. Discusses a poem and biography of [Emperor] Maximilian [I (1459-1519)] with curious wood cuts by same engraver; lost copies of both in his library fire and replaced former but not the latter yet.

Employing himself in "all the luxury of complete idleness". Though books in Britain are selling at "immense" prices surprised by prices in France, citing recent publication of three part work on Egypt containing 840 prints on vellum paper costing 5400 francs [pencil annotations of other figures]. Had some fine drawings for French edition of Monstrelet but they arrived too late. Decoration of his hall.

The Linnean Society of London