Search: Knapp, John Leonard in correspondent 
Smith, James Edward in correspondent 
1800-1809::1801 in date 
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John Leonard Knapp
Sir James Edward Smith
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/6/7, The Linnean Society of London

Sending a Lichen resembling 'Lichen articulatus' from Exmouth warren, Devon, some observations. Remarks on classification of 'Agrostis' and 'Milium' following Smith's defintion of 'Agrostis' in "Flora Britannica", suggests that 'Milium lendigerum' should be placed after 'Agrostis setacea', with example terms of description. Alludes to a possible circumstance with 'Panicum dactylon' that may justify Jussieu's arrangement of 'Panicum'. "Flora Britannica" clarified confusion caused by [William] Withering of 'Festuca rubra'.

The Linnean Society of London
John Leonard Knapp
Sir James Edward Smith
19 Dec [1801]
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/6/8, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks Smith for introducing him to [Hugh] Davies, although he seemed "a little irritated at what originated from a mistake". Believes 'Agrostis minima' is a new genus after receiving specimens from Davies to draw for "Gramina Britannica", recommends naming it after [Benjamin] Stillingfleet [(1702-1771)]. Drawing in pen and wash of a new 'Poa' found on Devon coast, proposes name 'Poa tuberosa'. Sends a 'Festuca' from Pembrokeshire [extant] that also appears in [William] Sherard's [(1659-1728)] herbarium. Asks the difference between 'Phleum crinitum' and 'Agrostis littoralis', small drawing in pen and wash of the former. Has almost finished plates of British grasses and plans to visit Scotland next summer. Believes 'Avena strigosa' is indiginous. Found '[Gnaphalium] margaritaceum' in the same place [John] Ray gathered it and "felt a a momentary inspiration".

Specimen of 'Festuca'.

The Linnean Society of London