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Alexander Macleay
Sir James Edward Smith
31 Dec 1802
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/31, The Linnean Society of London

Apologises for delay in answering Smith's letter of 23 [December 1802]; gratified by the confidence Smith puts in him and hopes to ease his anxiety over [Richard] Salisbury's report that remarks had been made at Linnean Society regarding Smith's political beliefs. Uncertain what Salisbury is alluding to, unless he meant "the old story" of Smith's "Tour", and he has never heard any insinuation at the Society regarding Smith's political involvement; the only occasion being during the application for the Society's charter, when Sir Joseph Banks expressed concern that the King [George III (1738-1820)] would recollect the "Tour" on seeing Smith's name, being the only time Banks has commented on Smith's politics. Banks and many others regret Smith's absence from London and its effect on the Society, which proves Smith's political sentiments are not dreaded.

Believes Salisbury is wrong regarding blackballing of [Robert John] Thornton [(c 1768-1837), physician and writer on botany], who was not rejected on account of his politics, but because he is "a Quack in Botany as well as in medicine", and for publishing himself as FLS before even being proposed to the Society; it was not known that he was brought forward by Smith. Reassures Smith he "stand[s] as high in the opinion of the Society at large as [he] ever did", and as long as he chooses to continue President, "there is not the least probability of any other person being proposed", and does not see what consequence it is to the Society to know whether Smith is a Whig or a Tory. His own political beliefs: inclines to Toryism, yet "highly respect[s] the true old English spirit of Whigism". Believes the only politics the Linnean Society should attend to is the proper government of its own body. Encloses new version nomination certificate.

The Linnean Society of London
Alexander Macleay
Sir James Edward Smith
27 Sep 1803
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/32, The Linnean Society of London

Very busy with his official duties lately. Apologises for delay in printing of "Linnean Transactions", discusses and raises queries on [William] Roxburgh's Indian silkworms paper, due to be third paper in the new volume. Glad to learn Smith was well pleased with his Liverpool excursion, reminds Smith to pay attention to bye-laws when making out [William] Roscoe's nomination certificate for Linnean Society.

Forwarded Smith's letter to Ventenat, although doubtful of Smith obtaining books from Paris as he has no agent there, as in the last war. No doubt of Bonaparte's intention to invade, but does not believe "that there was ever an occasion on which the Country was more unanimous than it is at present", and that little issue will come of any attack.

The Linnean Society of London
Alexander Macleay
Sir James Edward Smith
9 Jan 1804
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/33, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for turkey. Agrees that Cuvier is highly deserving of becoming a FMLS but reminds him there is a limit of 50 FMLS. Queries Latin form of "habitat in Newfoundland" and "habitat in Long Island" for [Edward] Rudge's paper on American 'Carex' for "Linnean Transactions".

The Linnean Society of London
Alexander Macleay
Sir James Edward Smith
1 Dec 1804
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/34, The Linnean Society of London

Except for Smith's communication and "a very absurd" paper on migration of birds by [John] Lyon there have been new new papers at last two meetings of Linnean Society, and they have nothing for the next meeting. Council meeting on Tuesday to discuss purchase of a house in Nassau Street. Knows nothing yet of Dr [William] Turton's [(1762-1835), conchologist] certificate but when it appears will speak out. Believes that any member who canvasses for blackballing a candidate after signing their certificate should be expelled from the Society; according to present regulations it now takes a third of members present to blackball a candidate.

The Linnean Society of London
Alexander Macleay
Sir James Edward Smith
17 Jan 1805
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/35, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for Smith's letter of 13 [January 1805], which came "very opportunely", as without it they would have had nothing to read at Linnean Society meeting. "Linnean Transactions" volumes being forwarded as instructed. Requests Smith's assistance in obtaining enough support to prevent election of Dr Maver.

The Linnean Society of London
Alexander Macleay
Sir James Edward Smith
30 Mar 1805
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/36, The Linnean Society of London

Apologises for delay in replying to Smith's letter of 21 February [1805] accompanying [John William] Lewin's [(1770-1819), naturalist and artist] plates; he had begun describing the insects but "the brother here became jealous of my interference and is now to publish the whole in his own name" ["Prodromus entomology" (1805)].

Confirms that the Ambrose Serle [(1742-1812), colonial officer and religious writer] whose name Smith saw on the box is the same man Smith knew in Bristol in 1773, and is a great friend of his. Dr Maver not elected. The Linnean Society has agreed terms for new rooms at 9 Gerrard Street, Soho, and the Horticultural Society are to pay 25 guineas per annum to hold their meetings in the meeting room.

The Linnean Society of London
Alexander Macleay
Sir James Edward Smith
1 Nov 1805
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/37, The Linnean Society of London

"No impartial person can approve of" [Richard] Salisbury's conduct towards Smith; approves of Smith's determination to not take any further notice. Requests paper from Smith to be read at next Linnean Society meeting at their new house in Gerard Street, [Soho], "which is fitted up in a very capital style". He continues extremely busy with his official work.

The Linnean Society of London
Alexander Macleay
Sir James Edward Smith
23 Nov 1805
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/38, The Linnean Society of London

Sorry to hear Smith's health continues bad. Fears Smith misunderstood some of his expressions in his last letter and reassures him that he has not shown any of his letters regarding his dispute with [Richard] Salisbury; the only blame imputed to Smith is for "taking up the Gauntlet at all". Smith's "character as a Botanist stands too highly to be at all affected by anything Mr S has said or can say", pleased to hear Smith will not take the matter further. Mr [John] Loudon proposed FLS on Smith's recommendation.

The Linnean Society of London
Alexander Macleay
Sir James Edward Smith
14 Dec 1806
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/39, The Linnean Society of London

Queries on [Thomas] Hardwicke's paper [for "Linnean Transactions"]; suggests a name and character for his new species [of Jerboa]. Sends three papers from which extracts will be printed for Smith to prepare. Intentions for next volume of "Linnean Transactions".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
11 Jan 1807
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/40, The Linnean Society of London

Pleased that [William] Roscoe's paper has been accepted for current volume of "Linnean Transactions" and answers Macleay's queries regarding the paper: could find no drawing of 'Phrynium', "petalatoides" should be "petaloides", approves of Macleay's mode of arranging specific names, and suggests name 'Globba' instead of 'Colebrookea', with explanatory text.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
19 Apr 1807
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/41, The Linnean Society of London

Unable to leave for London today on account of severe weather and illness. Received "Linnean Transactions" vol 8: the shell paper "very valuable" but wonders "how some of [Richard] Salisbury's trash got admittance" instead of his own papers, especially that on 'Conchium'; criticises Salisbury's paper on a salt storm. Macleay right to leave Salisbury's "lying pamphlet" out of the list of presentations to the Society; agrees with [Samuel] Goodenough that it ought to be expelled but will leave it to the Society to decide. Upset at the Society's response to the matter, but does not intend to defend himself in "Transactions" as he will not put himself "on a footing with a man whom [he now has] materials to drive out not only of our Society but of all society".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
19 Jul 1807
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/42, The Linnean Society of London

Returns [Thomas] Hardwicke's paper and his own on 'Conchium' for "Linnean Transactions"; defends his choice of name and his belief in right to give names, as discussed in his forthcoming "Introduction to Botany". Thanks for forwarding box and letter from Ventenat from France, which contained sequel of Ventenat's "Jardin de la Malmaison" and Redoute's "Liliaces", Ventenat has requested plants. Surprised to receive anything from France considering the "awful condition we are in", but he does not despair. Enquires after box of living plants including 'Ophrys corallorhiza' sent by Edward Maughan from Edinburgh.

[Letter incomplete: second folio cropped, presumed destroyed]

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
19 Sep 1807
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/43, The Linnean Society of London

Returns enclosed corrections; does not think the anatomical descriptions of animals ought to be "mutilated" in "Linnean Transactions"; "readers of zoology know what to expect". Objects to [Richard] Salisbury's paper "for bringing in forced illustrations that are needlessly indelicate, especially as all his writings shew that he does it with a malicious design to discredit the Sexual System of Linnaeus, as he always affects to call it". Asks Macleay to provide names for the species in the paper, as the Linnean Society should be committed to not omitting these, which "distinguish the works of true scientific naturalists". Gratified by Macleay's opinion of "Exotic botany".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
14 Dec 1807
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/44, The Linnean Society of London

Pleased his paper on the "Vitellus of seeds" is to be printed [in "Linnean Transactions"], afraid Council may find it too controversial. His paper on ferns intended only to be read, as he intends a more complete one for the Linnean Society.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
22 Dec 1807
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/45, The Linnean Society of London

Sending a turkey. Received request from [William George] Maton for papers for the Linnean Society, happy to comply. Maton has asked whether the reference to Eden in his preface [to his "Introduction to Botany"] alludes to [Richard] Salisbury and "Paradisus Londinensis", to which he answered the passage was first written for his introductory lecture of April 1805, before their dispute, but would write the same now, as he "neither go a step one way or the other to avoid or to meet him".

The Linnean Society of London
Alexander Macleay
Sir James Edward Smith
15 Jan 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/46, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for turkey, which they had on Christmas Day. Praises Smith's "Introduction to Botany", not surprised the preface has been complimented so much; he has heard that [Richard] Salisbury is "not quite pleased with some parts of it".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
17 Jan 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/47, The Linnean Society of London

Encloses part of his paper to be read at Linnean Society. He is not anxious about [Richard] Salisbury's "censures" regarding his preface [to "Introduction to Botany"] and does not expect him to renew his attacks; justifies his own response to Salisbury's conduct. Pleased by [Samuel] Goodenough's "advancement" [made Bishop of Carlisle], and hopes [Thomas] Marsham is well, "for he is one whom we could not spare".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
10 Aug 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/48, The Linnean Society of London

Returns [William Jackson] Hooker's paper, which he and [Dawson] Turner have both looked over.

Never had much hope for the war before, but from the first of the Spanish resistance he has always hoped; cares not who manages the country as long as they do it well, but concedes the Ministry have conducted themselves with "singular wisdom & discretion", and the King's [George III (1738-1820)] speech "was in the same style". Returns his paper on 'Hookeria' and a paper on snakes not worth publishing.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
29 Sep 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/49, The Linnean Society of London

Arrangements for printing of papers. Sorry "Linnean Transactions" vol 8 is so thin; his paper on 'Brodiaea' would have helped and is a fresh reason why he regrets not publishing it now. [James] Brodie's friends think not publishing it defeats the compliment, and all think it an "undue deference to a villain who is our disgrace" [Richard Salisbury had published 'Brodiaea' as 'Hookera' in "Paradisus Londinensis"]; several Council members lamented to see him forced to yield to "such opposition" and the brutality with which it was enforced. He knows Macleay acted for the best and feels the "bulk of the Society entirely guiltless", and will continue to send papers.

Has requested proofs of all [James] Sowerby's plates for his and [William Jackson] Hooker's papers on mosses, following the mistake he made with 'Hookeria lucens' in "English botany". Expecting a visit from [Robert] Brown.

The Linnean Society of London
Alexander Macleay
Sir James Edward Smith
19 Jul 1800
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/5, The Linnean Society of London

Sends list of subscriptions [extant] to cost of a charter for Linnean Society; little doubt of their raising the required £300, though some Fellows, including [Erasmus] Darwin, Dr Thomas Young, Lord William Seymour, [Thomas] Rackett, and [George] Shaw have refused to contribute in various manners. Concerns that [Aylmer Bourke] Lambert has changed his opinion on the matter, though [Thomas] Marsham has listed him for £20 according to earlier understanding. Asks Smith to encourage his friends to contribute. Main reason for acquiring the charter is for it to act as a Deed of Trust for every Fellow, and thus authenticate the bonds for membership dues.

List of subscribers and amount pledged.

The Linnean Society of London