On numerical proportions of sexes in insects; coloration. Dimorphism in dragonflies (Agrion) in which usual coloration is reversed in sexes [see Descent 1: 362–4].
Wallace seems to ride his hobby too hard.
Showing 1–4 of 4 items
On numerical proportions of sexes in insects; coloration. Dimorphism in dragonflies (Agrion) in which usual coloration is reversed in sexes [see Descent 1: 362–4].
Wallace seems to ride his hobby too hard.
Reports that when August Meyer confined several distinct species of Phryganeidae they coupled and produced fertile ova, indicating that some specific characters are not so important so far as reproduction is concerned [see Descent 1: 342 n. 2].
Thanks for the paper on Sterrha (McLachlan 1865).
Is obliged for the facts about the hybrids [see 5910], which permit him to reject the view of B. D. Walsh (and H. W. Bates?) that organs play an important part in keeping incipient species distinct.
He has asked John Murray to send RM a copy of Variation.