Search: Roscoe, William in correspondent 
Smith, James Edward in correspondent 
1800-1809::1808::11 in date 
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William Roscoe
Sir James Edward Smith
21 Nov 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/64, The Linnean Society of London

Sending this letter with Smith's mother. Committee of Liverpool Botanic Garden has accepted Smith's offer of duplicate Linnaean herbarium. The same Committee also carried his other proposal to send John Bradbury on a botanical exploration of Louisiana and the great branches of the Mississippi for three years; he is to take his two sons of 21 or 22 years old, one to accompany him in his travels and the other to be at a garden in New Orleans cultivating the plants and sending them live to England; asks for Smith's advice to make the most of the opportunity, in return Bradbury will get Smith anything he wants from America. Bradbury leaving in two or three months.

The Linnean Society of London
William Roscoe
Sir James Edward Smith
24 Nov 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/65, The Linnean Society of London

Replies to Smith's letter of 17 November; he is in the same situation as Mr Ives respecting Boydell's Shakespeare; his experience._x000D_

[John] Shepherd [(c 1764-1836, curator Liverpool Botanic Garden] is to supply Smith with specimens of all 'Canna' and 'Marauta' in [Liverpool Botanic] Garden; sends drawings of two 'Canna' and a 'Maranta arundinacea' with dissection of flower, to be returned._x000D_

Linnean Society right to avoid controversy, but the object of his enquiry would be to compare the [Linnaeus and Jussieu] systems and not to detract from their merits. His current interests, including acquisition of new prints and drawings, and perusal of works of Abate [Luigi] Lanzi [(1732-1810, Italian art historian], just returned by [Henry] Fuseli [(1741-1825), painter]. Intends to look at Smith's work for [Abraham] Rees' "Cyclopedia". Sorry to not have become better acquainted with the Kindersleys whilst they were in Lancashire.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
William Roscoe
17 Nov 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/63, The Linnean Society of London

Replies to Roscoe's letter of 14 October. Asks Roscoe's experience of subscribing to Boydell's "Shakespeare" on behalf of his friend, Mr Ives of Catton, who has just been served a writ for £100._x000D_

Asks Roscoe to send, via his mother, any new or curious specimens of 'Maranta', 'Canna', or other 'Scitamineae'; has dried a large ['Canna'] Roscoe sent [James] Sowerby and also has 'lutea', 'flaccida' and scarlet one figured in [William] Curtis' "Botanical Magazine" but ignorant of the rest. Thanks for Roscoe's comments on "Exotic botany". Would encourge Roscoe to critique Jussieu's system, though not for the Linnean Society which is "wisely shy of professed controversy", but would appreciate it for his own book. First 3000 specimens of Liverpool [Botanic Garden] herbarium ready except for catalogue and packing._x000D_

His work on [Abraham] Rees' "Cyclopedia": writes botanists' biographies and the physiological and most of the systematical botany, but only acknowledges the articles he thinks worth owning. Second part of "Florae Graecae prodromus" nearly printed. Glad Roscoe saw his cousins, the Kindersleys. Laments "poor Rathbone's state".

The Linnean Society of London