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Mariamne Johnes
Sir James Edward Smith
2 Nov 1795
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/16/5, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's letter. Weather is cold and stormy. Has sent with her father to London Smith's microscope and a small box of insects. Dr [James] Anderson has found a "very pretty spot" for her flower garden.

Note pasted onto recto of second folio apparently sent separately: also sending with her father the great tortoiseshell butterfly mentioned in earlier letter, a curious beetle, and a "very pretty" insect found in broom tree. Her mother asks Smith to send some of the moss which they make "fireworks of in the playhouse as Sir Joseph Banks says there is some here".

The Linnean Society of London
Mariamne Johnes
Sir James Edward Smith
18 Nov 1795
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/16/6, The Linnean Society of London

Cold and wet weather has prevented her botanising. Glad Smith safely received microscope and box of insects. Congratulates Smith on his approaching marriage and looks forward to showing his wife [Pleasance Smith] the "romantic beauties of this place". Dr [James] Anderson now well but her father still in London.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
Sir James Edward Smith
20 Nov 1795
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/102, The Linnean Society of London

Congratulations on Smith's engagement; his opinion of Mr Reeve; what he has heard of "the lady" [Pleasance Smith, née Reeve]. Corrects observations he made on 'Hypericum' Smith sent from Wales. [John] Pitchford met a surgeon in Wisbech, [Cambridgeshire], who has found 'Orobanche ramosa', 'Dactylis stricata', '[Riccia] glauca' which he thinks 'Riccia natans', and 'Ulva incrassata'. [John] Stackhouse hopes Smith has received his paper on 'Hirniaria glabra'; received specimens of 'Fucus' from him and Velley via [William] Withering, including 'F. elimiathoides' and 'F. defractus'; observations. Coins.

The Linnean Society of London
Gregory Boraston
Sir James Edward Smith
18 Nov 1795
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/21/5, The Linnean Society of London

Sends Dr Johnstone's books [on nerves and poisons] to be sent on to Scarpa. His health improved since marriage.

The Linnean Society of London
Andrew Caldwell
Sir James Edward Smith
17 Nov 1795
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/3/9, The Linnean Society of London

Had a good journey back to Dublin, relates his journey afterwards which was "altogether a Tragi-comedy", with one chaise falling apart and overturning and the horses of another refusing to move, meaning he had to walk five miles in a "storm of wind", believes it was the same night that did "such damage in England". Sends eight patterns for poplins, asks Smith to circulate them. Hopes Smith is comfortably settled in his "rural habitation". Hopes Smith did not forget to see the "engaging bird" at the Exeter Change, regardless of whether it is the 'Turdus nitens' or not. [Walter] Wade found 'Scilla verna' in abundance at the Giants Causeway and collected some roots.

The Linnean Society of London
Philippe Durand
Sir James Edward Smith
16 Nov 1795
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/4/76, The Linnean Society of London

Broussonet left Gibraltar a month ago, entrusting him with parcels of plants and seeds for Smith and Sir Joseph Banks, and letters of introduction to Smith. Introduces himself and requests Smith's advice for studying natural history; he was formerly a canon, but forced to flee France at the end of 1792; took refuge in Spain; has gathered good collections of plants, insects, and shells, without books or other resources. Intends to embark from London on receiving letters of recommendation from Smith and Banks.

The Linnean Society of London
Edmund Davall
Sir James Edward Smith
10 Nov 1795
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/78, The Linnean Society of London

Last letter received from Smith dated 16 March 1795; recounts most recent letters sent and received between them, his parcel of November 1794 with seeds of 'Digitlalis' and 'Verbascum nigrum' lost on ship seized by French privateer. The war having severe impact on communications with and from Switzerland. Mandrot dead from an apoplexy. Anxious to receive continuations of "English Botany" and [James] Dickson's "Hortus Siccus Britannicus". Conscious that Smith lives "in the very centre of science" and has many correspondents and interesting observations to take up his time. Death of [Jakob] Ehrhart, one of his few Swiss connections since his poor health has made him a recluse. Named his son born 12 September Charles Edward after Linnaeus and Smith. Summarises his long unsent letter of January detailing his despair at damp which destroyed much of his herbarium.

The Linnean Society of London