Search: Thiselton-Dyer, William Turner in correspondent 
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Joseph Dalton Hooker in collection 
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Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Turner Thiselton-Dyer
26 January 1897
Source of text:
JDH/2/16 f.155, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH says that he will investigate the Cypripedia when he is next at Kew. He reports that the Indian Orchideae [in FLORA OF BRITISH INDIA?] need thorough revision. He says that he had not heard of the discovery of Antherozoids in Cycas or Salisburia. Declares that [Sir Robert Falcon] Scott's research interests him. Mentions that he does not credit [Thomas] Hanbury's right to the title of Marquis any more than [Ferdinand von] Mueller's to a Baronial title. JDH is currently re-reading Boswell's Johnson: A SONG OF DEGREES, also mentions a book on Japan by an American author that he says has given him a clearer idea of ancestor worship & the oriental mind-set. Professor Morris of Melbourne wrote to compliment JDH on the publication of Joseph Banks' journal. JDH says that he looked for Myersii in Part 1 of the Kew arboretum until [George] Nicholson advised that it was in the Temperate House, however it should be hardy in the Bamboo Garden. JDH is glad that the Temperate House is to be completed, it will be a credit to Thiselton-Dyer [WTTD]. Hopes that WTTD got sufficient help during his recent illness and wonders if he would be able to travel to the Canary Islands or Madeira.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Turner Thiselton-Dyer
28 January 1897
Source of text:
JDH/2/16 f.156, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH informs Sir William Thiselton-Dyer of his thoughts on what he believes would be a spurious division of Cypripedia based on the character of coriaceous leaves in some Indian Cypripedia as opposed to membranous leaved species. This is a difficult distinction to make, & further if it was applied as a generic characteristic more widely, many other genera of Orchideae would be split. JDH points out that that a distinction could be made between the evergreen varieties within oaks & beeches but this has never been properly adopted. JDH wonders whether the name [for the Indian Cypripedia?] had even ben published when he was working on orchids; between 1882 & 1886. JDH is keen to know more about the antherozoids in Cycas & Thuja. References to various publications have been added to the end of the letter in a hand not that of JDH but appearing contemporary to the letter: PAPHIOPEDILUM by [Ernst Hugo Heinrich] Pfitzer, MORPHOLOGISCHE STUDIEN UBER DIE ORCHIDEENBLUTE, and BOTANISCHE JAHRBUCHER FUR SYSTEMATIK, PFLANZENGESCHICHTE UND PLANZENGEOGRAPHIE XIX.

Hooker Project