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Walter Wade
Sir James Edward Smith
1 Jan 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/26/41, The Linnean Society of London

Only lately received Smith's letter of 17 August [1807]; concerned he had lost Smith's correspondence. Praises Smith's "Introduction to Botany", which "will be the means of highly improving the theoretical part of [his] summer course"; the elementary texts he in general recommends his students are [James] Lee's "Introduction to Botany", [Jean-Jacques] Rousseau's [(1712-1778), philosopher] "Elements [of botany]", "Philosophia Botanica", and translations of Willdenow.

Smith missed opportunity to use his "Plantae rariores" as authority for 'Adiantum capillus-veneris' in "English botany" v22 1564, for which Smith credited [James Townsend] Mackay [(1775-1862), curator of Botanic Garden, Trinity College, Dublin], as did [Dawson] Turner in his "admirable" "Fucus" work.

Apologises for sending overweight parcel. Sent [James] Sowerby flowering specimens of true Irish 'Arbutus unedo' for mention in "English botany" and for honour of Ireland and its natural productions. Dr [Robert] Scott [(1757-1808)], professor of botany at [Trinity College, Dublin] deprived of his post without any equitable cause assigned. Asks if there are to be any new additions to new edition of Smith's "Tour of the Continent".

The Linnean Society of London
Walter Wade
Sir James Edward Smith
20 Jun 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/26/42, The Linnean Society of London

Sending Smith flowering 'Saxifraga' specimens gathered near Killarney, Kerry. Hopes Smith received the 'Euphorbia hibernica' he sent in spring. Smith should be wary of reports that 'Acorus gramineus' has been found in Ireland until he has been able to determine the facts. Sends his "Sketch of lectures on meadow and pasture grasses" for Linnean Society. [Andrew] Caldwell in a very bad state of health.

The Linnean Society of London
Walter Wade
Sir James Edward Smith
25 Aug 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/26/43, The Linnean Society of London

Sorry to inform Smith that the reports that 'Acorus grammineus' has been found in Ireland are false; questioned the gardener who found it who confessed he had it from a garden several years ago; [John] Templeton [(1766-1825), father of Irish natural history], [James Townsend] Mackay [(1775-1862), curator of Botanic Garden, Trinity College, Dublin], and Dr [Whitley] Stokes [(1763-1845), physician and botanist] are scouring the mountains for it.

[Andrew] Caldwell has died.

The Linnean Society of London