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Sir James Edward Smith
William Roscoe
9 May 1807
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/50, The Linnean Society of London

Until reading account in "Liverpool Chronicle" had been anxious to know truth of the "dreadful reports" from Liverpool, including that Roscoe's house had been burnt down [Roscoe had been caught in a riot orchestrated by local slave traders angry at his part in the abolition of the trade]. Urges Roscoe to resubmit himself as a candidate in the Liverpool election as "resistance to such abominable treatment" and to "set aside the election of y[ou]r adversary supported by violence". Mrs Gascoign told Lady [Amelia] Hume that there was expected to be no opposition to her husband [Isaac Gascoyne] or Roscoe, believes Roscoe can use this to both their advantage.

The Linnean Society of London
John Stuart
Sir James Edward Smith
9 May 1807
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/9/78, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's letter of 15 October [1806]. Sorry that he could not send Smith cuttings of 'Salix phylicifolia' and 'Salix sphacetata' as the place he got them from for [John] Lightfoot has since been cleared and ploughed. Has sent Smith a box of doubtful specimens including 'Salix' and other plants, listed: 'Salix myrsinites' Linnaeus and Lightfoot; undetermined 'Salix'; 'Salix fusca'; 'Salix arbuscula'; 'Salix lapponum'; 'Salix raticulata'; possible 'Salix incubacea'; 'Arbutus alpinus'; 'Erica dabaecia'; 'Azalea procumbens'; 'Rubus arcticus'; 'Cornus suecica'; 'Carex atrata'; '[Festuca calamaria]'; 'Acrostichum ilvense'; and 'Lycopodium inundatum'. Glad that Smith has principal charge of publishing of "Flora Graeca". His home and family life.

The Linnean Society of London