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Thomas Jenkinson Woodward
Sir James Edward Smith
2 Feb 1809
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/18/127, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's letter of 31 January [1809]. Postponing their visit to Norwich on account of the miserable weather. Expects to see second fasciculus of "Flora Graeca". Uncertain whether [James] Sowerby's supplement to his "Fungi" is published. Never received 'Fucus' specimens from Sowerby, would be sorry to lose the 'F. abrotanifolius'; it needs to be carefully examined by Smith before it appears in "English botany" as the Linnaean specimen is old and broken, and [Dawson] Turner has not examined it and others with enough care; observations on the young leaves.

The Linnean Society of London