Hopes Goodenough received package sent via [Charles] Lyell and [James] Sowerby, which included: 'Agrostis arundinacea', 'Carduus polyanthus', new 'Choraphyllum', 'Centaurea intybacea', and 'Urceolaria deamonta'.
Numbered observations on enclosed specimens: 1. 'Carex' like 'C. michellia'; 2. 'Carex' like 'C. flacca'; 3. new 'Carex'; 4. 'Saxifraga' distinct from 'S. hynoides'; 5. new 'Silene' proposed 'S. intermedia'; 6. new 'Silene' proposed 'S. hybrida'; 7. unknown 'Epilobium'; 8. 'Mesea longiseta'; 9. 'Orabus angustifolius'; 10. 'Hieracium' near 'H. alpinum'.
Observations on 'Hieracium ramosum' and 'Epilobium caudifolium'. If he had known what Goodenough said of Sowerby in sufficient time would not have troubled him. Will send 'G. uliginosum' and 'Galium verrocosum' seeds in summer, observation on 'Equisetum'. Asks Goodenough to forward this letter to Dr [James Edward] Smith.
Four plant specimens, including 1, 3 and 8.