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Charles Robert Darwin
William Bernhard Tegetmeier
27 [Nov 1858]
Source of text:
Scriptorium (dealers) (1982)

"I thank you much for your note. The object, of course, is what you say. I did not guess that I shd have to pay so much per hen to Baker & the experiment would not be at all worth such a sum. I have not a single hen worth sending to Steven’s. If it really will not cost you much trouble, & you could get me some Hens & a young Spanish cock of pure breed . . . I will try to experiment and shall be very heartily obliged to you". CD mentions satisfactory local hens of a particular breed and an experiment being conducted on "Silver Barbs [with] black wing bars & white rump or bar at end of tail".

Darwin Correspondence Project
Charles Robert Darwin
Leonard Jenyns; Leonard Blomefield
13 Nov [1859]
Source of text:
Scriptorium (dealers) (1981)

Invites criticisms of his book [Origin] which is "only an abstract & very much condensed". Knows LJ will not agree with the lengths to which CD goes. It took long years to convert CD, but he cannot persuade himself "that a theory which explains … several large classes of facts, can be wholly wrong".

Hopes to publish his full MS if he ever gets strong enough.

Darwin Correspondence Project