No results yet with graft-hybrids.
Has been writing a paper.
"Lankester seems to have doubled up [H.] Slade [the medium] in fine style".
No results yet with graft-hybrids.
Has been writing a paper.
"Lankester seems to have doubled up [H.] Slade [the medium] in fine style".
Reports on rats that gnawed holes in lead pipes.
Claims to have proved the great antiquity of several plant races. But this does not contradict the tendency to vary. Insists that heredity can make permanent varieties of sufficient duration to occur as fossils.
PAH’s friend, a florist, is repeating CD’s experiments with Dionaea muscipula.
CD’s works stir interest in America.
Bombus mastrucatus, an alpine bee, conforms to his observations that B. terrestris breaks open the flowers of Trifolium pratense. However, in the Alps, B. terrestris does not behave this way.
Gentiana species are adapted to lepidopteran cross-fertilisation.
His research on Orchis maculata.
Discusses effect of disuse of anthers in Salvia officinalis.
Pleased CD can use his observations on Primula elatior.
JDH’s condolences at Amy Darwin’s death.
Describes behaviour of apes and monkeys in presenting coloured hindquarters.
Mentions observations on apes and other mammals. Describes habits of apes and monkeys in presenting hindquarters. Thinks species that present always have colourful hindquarters. Discusses possible exceptions to rule.
JDH again expresses his condolences.
The Glasgow BAAS meeting was good, except for Tait’s shameful attack on Tyndall.
Immensely impressed on Scottish geological and glacial features. Is CD aware that the earth beneath Glen Roy roads was found to contain freshwater diatoms?
Recounts the itinerary of his honeymoon in Scotland.
Describes example of instinctive behaviour in new-born leveret.
Cites experiment in which rabbit breathed vapour of nitrite of amyl.
Suggests that change in terrestrial atmosphere is responsible for evolution from scales to fur or feathers.
Identifies South American fossils in photographs sent by John Van der Weyde.
Sends J. H. Baxter, Statistics, medical and anthropological [2 vols. (1875)]; asks CD’s opinion on correlation of stature with certain types of diseases.
Recommends that CD buy a plot of land.
Thanks CD for sending a photograph.