Orders two bottles of "the simple Antispasmodic" and "the Glycerin Pepsin mixture". Andrew Clark wishes him to commence his physic at once.
Showing 1–20 of 33 items
Orders two bottles of "the simple Antispasmodic" and "the Glycerin Pepsin mixture". Andrew Clark wishes him to commence his physic at once.
Asks about the composition of a spermaceti ointment which he has been buying for some years "because I blackened some young shoots of plants with this ointment mixed with Lamp-black & it produced an extraordinary effect on the shoots, which I think cannot be accounted for merely by the exclusion of light".
Orders vaseline and pomatum – the latter to put on his beard, which in dry weather feels uncomfortably harsh.
Orders morphia pills in case of severe pain, which he hopes may never occur.
Requests hydrated magnesia.
Discusses deduction from bill for medicine.
Would greatly prefer an enema with a shorter nozzle but with a somewhat larger diameter.
Requests a quart of distilled water for photography to be sent in a clean bottle via the postman on the following day.
The returned gloves are similar to some he has already, and he would prefer a pair with stiffer bristles.
Orders one pint of tincture of henbane.
Orders a very small pot of "purest & best Extract of Hyosciamus for experimental purposes".
Asks WWB to send 8 grains of acetate of strychnine by post.
Thanks for loan of measure.
Requests a prescribed physic [not specified].
Requests litmus paper and gum.
Orders some salts for plant experiments.
Orders sulphuric ether, nitric ether, chloroform, and prussic acid [for Drosera experiments? See Insectivorous plants, pp. 209, 219].
Asks about possible animal substances in samples of Belladonna and Digitalis.
Orders enema.
Thanks for information about the Atropia.