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Johann Friedrich Theodor (Fritz) Müller
Charles Robert Darwin
25 Mar 1877
Source of text:
DAR 111: A89–90

Thanks CD for new [2d] edition of Orchids.

Mentions some observations on dimorphic plants.

Reports on a third species of Pontederia [see Forms of flowers, p. 185].

Describes some unusual grasses.

Reports rumours from southern Brazil concerning the existence of a gigantic subterranean animal.

Darwin Correspondence Project
Johann Friedrich Theodor (Fritz) Müller
Charles Robert Darwin
19 Oct 1877
Source of text:
Möller ed. 1915–21, 2: 363–4; Nature , 29 November 1877, pp. 78–9

Doubts that glands of calyx of cleistogamic Malpighiaceae serve as protection.

Some species of Solanum bear long- and short-styled flowers on same plant.

Changing colours of some flowers may show insects the proper moment for fertilisation.

Doubts that the style of Pontederia cordata changes length.

Sexual difference in wings of some butterflies due to development in male of scales that emit odours to excite female.

Darwin Correspondence Project
Johann Friedrich Theodor (Fritz) Müller
Charles Robert Darwin
[27 Nov 1877]
Source of text:
Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (1878): (Proceedings) ii–iii

Sends proboscis of a Sphinx-moth that is 22 cms long.

Discusses eleven species of butterfly which visit Lantana, a plant which blooms only for three days and whose flowers are yellow on the first day, orange on the second, and purple on the third. Most species only visit the flowers when they are yellow.

Describes and draws the odiferous organs of a Sphinx-moth.

Describes a secondary sexual character of several species of Callidryas and other Pierinæ: the costal margin of the anterior wing is sharply serrated in the males, while it is smooth in the females.

Darwin Correspondence Project