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Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
17/24 Nov 1789
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/11, The Linnean Society of London

Surprised Davall did not mention his marriage in last letter; hopes his new wife is "no enemy to Flora". Growing friendship with Davall's friend, [Edward] Forster of Threadneedle Street. Following his introduction to Lady Rockingham by Davall received from her her six volumes of "Hortus Malabaricus"; presenting [Joseph von] Jacquin to her at Hillingdon. Linnean Society in good health; [Jonas] Dryander has submitted "excellent" paper on 'Begonia'.

Davall's 'Spartium decumbens' figured in [Nikolaus von] Jacquin's "Icones [plantarum rariorum]" vol 2 fasc 3 as 'Genista humifusa' of Linnaeus, thinks Davall's figure much better. Smith expects his new work to eclipse Jacquin's, who "falls off grievously". Sir Joseph Banks resentful of his and [James] Sowerby's ["Icones pictae plantarum rariorum"] as he would like Sowerby to contribute to similar work on Kew plants, but is otherwise on good terms with Banks and Dryander and they are thought the "best possible friends".

Gathered 'Carex tomentosa' for [James] Dickson and waiting for 'Lichen cucullatus'. Has misgivings over figuring of Davall's 'Gentiana' as 'Swertia carinthiaca' in [Nikolaus von] Jacquin's "Miscellanea Austriaca" and thinks Davall should publish it as 'Gentiana pendunculata'. Lady Rockingham gave Jacquin Sowerby's drawing of her 'Aralia', or 'Hedera'. Blunders caused by Murray's printing. Requests seeds of 'Stellaria cerastoides'. Received 'Cerastium alpinum' from [Jacob] Wyttenbach. 'Aquilegia alpina' growing from his seeds at Chelsea. Details of his next fasciculus. His joke that a 'Hastingia' sent to Banks by [Charles] Konig should be called 'Hastingia sanguinea' well received by Dryander and [Richard] Salisbury but Banks grave, thinks him "a mere toad eater to the King". Dickson returned from Scotland with many items. Received seeds of 'Smithia' and dried plants from East India [Company].

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
16 Feb 1789
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/3, The Linnean Society of London

[Jacques] Dorthes in Montpellier, [France], a good correspondent for Davall, though he himself only knows him as an entomologist. Will figure the true 'Sonchus alpinus' in his first fasciculus, now printing [presumably "Plantarum Icones"], convinced the alpine one is 'Sonchus canadensis'; [Jan Fredrik] Gronovius' [(1686-1762)] synonym belongs to 'Sonchus floridanus' as confirmed by [Sir Joseph] Banks' herbarium. Since Davall left discovered that [Albrecht von] Haller's 1338 is 'Scirpus triqueter', not 'Scirpus mucronatus'.

Received specimen of 'Lachenalia tricolor' from Lady Rockingham [Mary Watson-Wentworth]. The King [George III (1738-1820)] "confidently said to be mending". Printing "Reliquiae Rudbeckianae". 'Thouinia' of "Supp[lementum plantarum]" proves to be 'Chionanthus [zeylanicus]', having found it in younger [Carl] Linnaeus' [(1741-1783)] herbarium; intends to give [Andre] Thouin a new genus allied to 'Cordia' in new fasciculus. L'Heritier wants to name 'Morus papyrifera' after Broussonet; keeping back his own 'Broussonetia' for time being. [Jean Louis Antoine] Reynier [(1762-1824), botanist] intends to remain member of Linnean Society and was surprised they thought he was giving up natural history.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
24 Apr 1789
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/5, The Linnean Society of London

Letter is written around two botanical plates.

[Jacques] Dorthes of Montpellier, [France], an excellent correspondent for Davall. Proposing [Dominique] Villars a FMLS on strength of his book and has initiated correspondence. [Jean Louis Antoine] Reynier's [(1762-1824), botanist] "impertinent" to think Davall should write a continuation of his "silly Memoirs". Requests specimen of 'Carex tomentosa'. Discusses observations on 'Chenopodium polyspermum' in Davall's last letter, thinks a discovery has been made. Requests specimen of Leers' 'Hypericum dubium' to compare against his '[Hypericum] perfoliatum'.

The King [George III (1738-1820)] went "in great state" to St Paul's cathedral yesterday to give thanks for his recovery. Kew catalogue nearly complete, as is his own "[Plantarum] Icones" and "Rudbeck[ianae]". Beginning short course of botanical lectures on 5th May; [William] Curtis now too rich to lecture. Has fruits of Sir Joseph Banks to send [Jacob] Wyttenbach. Davall's 'Draba saxatilis' should be called 'Draba stellata' as published by [Nikolaus] Jacquin in "Enumeratio" pp.113 and 256. Lord Gainsborough [Henry Noel] elected Honorary Member at Linnean Society anniversary meeting. Swiss plants much esteemed in England; Forsyth has lately brought over a large collection. [Jonas] Dryander has ensured a 'Smithia sensitivia' will be in Kew catalogue. L'Heritier has acted "shabbily" by dating his monograph on 'Columniferae' 1785 so as to appear as though written before [Antonio José] Cavanille's book on same, they are having a dispute in "Journal de Paris"; Dryander openly attacks L'Heritier as "one of the most sneaking unprincipled of men".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
2 Jul 1789
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/8, The Linnean Society of London

Responds to points in Davall's letter of 5 May: 'Hister quadrimaculatus' extremely rare; 'Thilco' of Feucillée quoted in "Hortus Kewensis" for 'Fuschia coccinea'; sorry [Jean Louis Antoine] Reynier [(1762-1824), botanist] is in Linnean Society but he cannot be expelled; likes [James] Sowerby, they are to collaborating on a work ["Icones pictae"] dedicated to Lady Rockingham [Mary Watson-Wentworth] with "superb coloured plates"; her 'Euphorbia walleni' and 'Passiflora punctata' and his 'Antirrhinum reticulatum' complete. Sends fruits for [Jacob] Wyttenbach. Lots of seeds arriving from New Holland [Australia] including 'Banksia' at [James] Lee's. Hears nothing from [Werner de] Lachenal [(1736-1800), professor of botany at Basel].

Responds to Davall's letter of 22 May: 'Carex tomentosa' is correct and "right precious", no one except Sir Joseph Banks has seen it in England. Numbered observations on thirty plants in packet of same date: 'Carex foetida', 'Antirrhinum genistifolium', 'Cistus', 'Scirpus mucronatus', 'Scirpus triqueter', 'Potentialla opaca', 'Linum alpinum', 'Narcissus poeticus', 'Arenaria tenuifolia', 'Gnaphalium luteoalbum', 'Filago gallica', 'Carex saxatilis', 'Arenaria liniflora', 'Schoenus ferrugineus', 'Carex montana', 'Carex filiformis', 'Carex caespitosa', 'Carex elongata' Sp. Pl. ed 1 and Scheuchzer tab11 f4, 'Crapula rubens' HL, 'Narcissus pseudonarcissus', 'Potamogeton', 'Avena fragilis', 'Chara flexilis', 'Hypericum dubium', '[Hypericum] barbatum', 'Crepis biennis', 'Crepis virens', 'Salix arbuscula' HL, 'Scorzonera humilis', 'Turritis caerula', and 'Arenaria'.

François [Borone's, his assistant] intention to return to Milan has affected his plant collecting. Visiting Matlock, [Derbyshire], and [Richard] Salisbury this summer. Beautiful 'Fuchsia' thriving at Kew. Sending Davall his two most recently published books ["Plantarum icones" and "Reliquiae rudbeckianae"], [James] Dickson's "fasc[iculus] of dried plants", and 'Smithia sensitivia' as "harbringer" of Kew catalogue.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
7 Jul 1789
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/9, The Linnean Society of London

Sending Linnean Society diplomas and laws and lists for [Berthout] Van Beuchem and [Jacob] Wyttenbach, and laws and lists for Mr Tingry of Geneva, via Mr Mandrot.

The Linnean Society of London