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Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
21 Feb 1792
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/47, The Linnean Society of London

His street was not affected by the fire at the Pantheon, although [Robert] Batty's shop was destroyed and he and his family took refuge with Smith.

Responds to Davall's letters of 31 January and 3 February 1792: promises to visit Davall soon but wants to publish his "Sketch of a Tour on the Continent" and "Systema vegetabilum" first; François [Borone] to be [Adam] Afzelius' assistant in Sierra Leone, commissioned by the new Company to collect plants for at least a year, advantageous situation for Borone, and Smith will receive a share of the plants, roots, and seeds collected; when François returns Smith intends to tour to Genoa to visit Davall and Mount Cenis again; impatient to hear from [Dominique] Villars; applauds Davall's comments on naming of plants after botanists, shall give Davall's name to 'Trichomanes canariense' but requests a paper from him for second volume of "Linnean Transactions"; has no duplicate of 'Smithia sensitivia', it flowered and seeded at Turin in 1790; admires Davall's manner of drying plants.

[Carl Peter] Thunberg compared specimen of his [Smith's] 'Festuca' with [Joachim] Burser's [(1583-1639)] original specimen at Upsala, so there is now no doubt, but [Martin] Vahl [(1749-1804)] has published discovery as his own in second volume of "Symbolae botanicae" but made mistake of saying he learned what 'Anthoxanthum paniculatum' was from the Linnaean herbarium.

Has been introduced to the Royal Family as this summer he is to arrange the Queen's herbarium, previously [John] Lightfoot's, give the Queen and princesses a course of botany; comments on the Queen's behaviour and dignity. Has not taken any salary for the job for the sake of dignity and future influence and interest.

Prescribes a tablespoon of melted butter with the salt skimmed off before bed for Davall's costiveness; excellent for bowel complaints but "neglected for nasty drugs & irritating oils". Eager to see vegetable part of [Johann Friedrich] Gmelin's [(1748-1804)] "Systema naturae". Glad Davall found [Johann] Hermann agreeable, "an excell[ent] & pleasant man". Pleased Davall likes his figure of 'Festuca spadicea'. Waiting for lichens before sending parcel of plants, will also send second edition of "Flora Lapponica".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
17 Mar 1792
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/48, The Linnean Society of London

Apologises for delay in sending lichens and can only send thirty for Davall's collection. Parcel of newspapers from [William] Este still waiting for Davall, the paper is now at an end and he is fled abroad for debt.

Asks Davall's opinion of "English Botany", which he now claims as his own and its aim "to make botany pleasing & popular, so [Davall] must pardon trifling". Took more pains with "Flora Lapponica", especially the synonyms as he means to correct citation, so it requires more serious criticism. Sends [James] Dickson's third and fourth dried plant fascicules which completes the work, relieved to be free from its drudgery. Sends pamphlets on the slave trade, "a matter much talked of now". [Adam] Afzelius and François [Borone] have sailed [for Sierra Leone]. Sends capsule of 'Mesembryanthemum' from Cape of Good Hope, gives care instructions; a German professor has figured it as a flower under new genus 'Redeviva'. Arranging his shells. [William] Aiton [(1731-1793)] delighted with seed of 'Arenaria grandiflora'. Davall owes [James] Sowerby and Dickson money.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
27 Jun 1792
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/50, The Linnean Society of London

Following pleuritic attacks in spring and summer has come to Matlock Bath for air and waters. Sending locally gathered mosses and lichens with this letter. Responds to Davall's letter of 18 May 1792: has not yet received Davall's two packets; recommends he take the Bath waters or similar for his stomach; condolences on death of his baby; entreats him not to overexert himself in the garden or fields, to avoid damp and evening air, and wet feet; thanks for seeds of 'Carduus crispus'; spending two or three weeks at Windsor soon [teaching Royal Family botany]; [Dominique] Villars correct in what he says, he [Smith] will write preface for his paper on 'Arenaria' for second volume of "Linnean Transactions" in which he will fully explain his method of ascertaining the Linnaean species from original numbered and marked specimens, and show in what cases synonyms are to be greater authority than the herbarium, citing example of 'Carex pilulifera'; thanks for quotation from Schreber, pleased with his praise and has written to him on the strength of it.

[Joseph] Gaertner has died but finished his book in second volume ["De fructibus et seminibus plantarum" (1788-1805)], he is very severe on Linnaeus "but a good author may be pardoned for a few prejudices'. Surprised at the attention his "introductory discourse" has received; Father Gregorio Fontana, mathematical professor at Pavia, has translated it into Italian.

Received parcel of plants from Botany Bay, many unknown to [Sir Joseph] Banks and others, with coloured drawings of most, and if Banks will not publish his work sees no reason not to publish these. Paper on 'Filices' not quite finished. Considers it settled that 'Trichomanes canariense' is to be 'Davallia'. Sending Davall a "choice copy" of second part of "Icones pictae", a present from Lady Rockingham, and second part of "Spicilegium Botanicum"; hopes he approves of 'Ligusticum cornubiense'. Encloses part of 'Byssus aurea'. Also encloses for Mrs Davall a small smelling bottle made of the "beautiful spar of this place".

Note at end of letter: "to remark that 'Poa salina' of Pollich is = distans as well as the retroflexa of Curtis".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
26 Oct 1792
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/53, The Linnean Society of London

Shortly leaving for Windsor to give the Queen and princesses five or six week course of lectures on zoology and botany, not going into detail "on the various structure of vesiculae seminales, nor on the "vulva hiaus" of the Viola (see "Flo[ra] Lapponica")". Compliments the Queen and princesses Augusta and Elizabeth. No payment has been mentioned as he initially only undertook to organise [John] Lightfoot's herbarium and the lectures have been proposed since. They think him "a wondrous learned philosopher" and cynically comments on getting a share of the "plunder" of the Church and King, though to do so would have to pray that "light & liberty may never make any progress in the world"; he prays most "fervently" for "virtuous" liberty and "not the sight of cutting off any body's head at pleasure". The "Magnificent Lords" of Geneva "cut a ridiculous figure" and are "quite a joke with the French", presumes the Berne aristocracy are anxious [threatened invasion of Switzerland by French] and will not write to Turin as they too must be anxious and not thinking of botany.

Delessert going over his [Smith's] herbarium. Progressing well with his "Sketch of a Tour on the Continent". Responds to Davall's letter of 12 October: nothing to fear from the French and blames the Genevans who "had no business to put on a warlike appearance" and that it is only their own tyrants that make the Swiss fight the French; detests the Geneva and Berne governments. As the French behaved well in Savoy and Nice thinks they will not come for plunder, and as Davall is English he should not be hurt.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Edmund Davall
9 Nov 1792
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/54, The Linnean Society of London

Writing on gilt paper to express his joy at Davall's escape [from threatened invasion of Switzerland by French forces]. Hopes that France "will settle into that manly rational liberty at which they professed to aim", only wishing that they has "some principle of religion & less debauchery". His lectures to the Royal Family: the Queen takes his notes to copy and asks questions, followed by half hour conversation, "nothing can be more easy, polite or pleasing".

Numbered comments on plants in Davall's sent July 1791: 'Geranium sanguineum biflorum', 'Pyrola secunda'; notes that 'Pyrola uniflora', Convallaria verticillata', 'Saxifraga cernua', 'Gentiana nivalis', and 'Stellaria cerastoides' have been found in Scotland; 'Mespilus amelanchia', '[Ranunculus] thora', 'Hypochaeris helvetica', 'Potamogeton marinum' H L, 'Veronica praecox' Allioni, 'Andropogon distachyon' and 'Andropogon ischaemum' extensive comments, 'Cerastium manticum' H L, 'Globularia cordiflora' H L, 'Thesium linophyllum' H L, 'Lotus angustissimus' H L, 'Cistus fumana' H L, 'Linum angustifolium', 'Linum tenuifolium' H L, 'Juncus bulbosus', 'Tussilago paradoxa', and 'Salix [incubacea]' [note H L probably signifies Herbarium Linnaeus].

Received faint congratulations from Sir Joseph Banks on his royal lectures. Wishes that if either of them should die their letters be returned to the other. [Adam] Afzelius and François [Borone] doing well in Sierra Leone and sending plants, bulbs and roots home but no specimens.

The Linnean Society of London