Asks JH to sign enclosed certificate over [Charles] Darwin's signature. JS will take it to B.A.A.S. meeting in Dundee next week.
Showing 1–20 of 20 items
The Sir John Herschel Collection
The preparation of the print Calendar of the Correspondence of Sir John Herschel (Michael J. Crowe ed., David R. Dyck and James J. Kevin assoc. eds, Cambridge, England: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1998, viii + 828 pp) which was funded by the National Science Foundation, took ten years. It was accomplished by a team of seventeen professors, visiting scholars, graduate students, advanced undergraduates, and staff working at the University of Notre Dame.
The first online version of Calendar was created in 2009 by Dr Marvin Bolt and Steven Lucy, working at the Webster Institute of the Adler Planetarium, and it is that data that has now been reformatted for incorporation into Ɛpsilon.
Further information about Herschel, his correspondence, and the editorial method is available online here:
No texts of Herschel’s letters are currently available through Ɛpsilon.
Asks JH to sign enclosed certificate over [Charles] Darwin's signature. JS will take it to B.A.A.S. meeting in Dundee next week.
[Charles] Darwin and [William] Fairbairn have started a certificate describing JS's contributions to science. Asks whether JH would sign it.
Will publish JH's article on musical scales in October issue[?] of his journal (Quarterly Journal of Science). Discusses JH's opinions on copyrights.
Asks JH to write to Earl de Grey [G. F. S. Robinson] stating JS's qualifications for position on Royal Commission 'for inquiring into the question of the Extension of State Aid to Sciences.'
Has decided to accept papers treating of new researches. These will be inserted prominently in journal [Quarterly Journal of Science]. Would be happy to hear from JH.
At request of William Crookes, JS [editor of new Quarterly Journal of Science] invites JH to submit original article on sunspots. Promises liberal honorarium . See article on sunspots by C. A. F. Peters in Zeitschrift für populäre Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Astronomie und verwandter Wissenchaften.
Encloses copy of C. A. F. Peters's article in Zeitschrift für populäre Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Astronomie und verwandter Wissenchaften. Please submit JH's article on sunspots by February. Audience of Quarterly Journal of Science are 'intelligent students of other branches and intelligent laymen.'
Needs Zeitschrift volume; then JH may have it back [see JS's 1864-1-15]. JH's article should be 10-12 pages. Compliments JH's writings as popular without being 'popularising.'
Received JH's drawings. Will send proof of plate.
Send JH's manuscript immediately, or JS must postpone JH's article for next issue. Received Henry Draper's article on 'Silverised Glass Telescopes & Celestial Photo[graphy]' mentioning JH and 'Miss Herschel.'
JH's request for three proofs contradicts printer's policy of issuing only one of each. Assurance that JH's manuscript will be examined carefully for errors.
Corrections on JH's manuscript on sunspots. Please keep alterations to minimum. Will send complimentary copies of Quarterly Journal of Science. Please write brief note on 'vaporous ring' and its bearing upon sunspots.
As requested, sent six copies of Quarterly Journal of Science, No. II to JH and two to Russia and Switzerland. Publisher's policy prohibits sending reprints. Sends proof of JH's plate with suggested alterations to 'Willow leaves.'
Alterations to proofs of JH's plate [on sunspots].
Apologizes for printer's misspelling of JH's name on plate. Encloses letter from Hanhart Lithographers with suggestions on tinting JH's plate of solar spots.
Alterations to proofs of JH's plate [on sunspots].
Alterations to proofs of JH's plate [on sunspots]. Explains tinting process.
'Private & confidential.' Asks JH to recommend reliable writer for 'Chronicles of Astronomy' section in Quarterly Journal of Science. Has purchased and will amalgamate with Edinburgh [New] Philosophical Journal. [JH annotation: Recommended [Edward] Brayley and [Robert] Grant].
Thanks JH for recommendations [see JS's 1864-3-24]. Plans new section in Quarterly Journal of Science to review recent events in science. Shall avoid 'craving for novelty' evident in other publications.
Forwards paper by Henry Draper of New York.