Delighted that Brongniart thinks Sigillaria aquatic, and that E. W. Binney thinks coal is a sort of submarine peat. Thinks coal-plants will prove to be aquatic, though JDH will sneer at this.
Has acquired a new microscope.
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The Charles Darwin Collection
The Darwin Correspondence Project is publishing letters written by and to the naturalist Charles Darwin (1809–1882). Complete transcripts of letters are being made available through the Project’s website ( after publication in the ongoing print edition of The Correspondence of Charles Darwin (Cambridge University Press 1985–). Metadata and summaries of all known letters (c. 15,000) appear in Ɛpsilon, and the full texts of available letters can also be searched, with links to the full texts.
Delighted that Brongniart thinks Sigillaria aquatic, and that E. W. Binney thinks coal is a sort of submarine peat. Thinks coal-plants will prove to be aquatic, though JDH will sneer at this.
Has acquired a new microscope.
CD defends his position on submarine coal formation and coal-plants against JDH’s strong objections.
Thinks JDH should arrange his facts against the aquatic formation of coal.
CD would like to call on JDH.
Will call on JDH on Thursday, if convenient.
Has heard JDH does not return until tomorrow, so will not be able to see him at Kew but hopes to do so at Oxford meeting of BAAS.
Bunbury and Falconer strongly against idea of coal being submarine.