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Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Jackson Hooker
7 March 1845
Source of text:
JDH/2/8 f.35-37, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH gives his opinion of the botanic garden in Brussels; he was impressed by the palm collection incl. Elate sylvestris & Caryota urens. The garden secretary Mr Drapier is unpopular. Mentions some other botanists of Brussels: Lucien; Dumortier; Galiotti, whose nursery he visited; Quetelet, who he met at the Brussels Academy. JDH admired the picture gallery in Brussels, especially the Rubens, & the Church of St Gudula. In Ghent he saw further fine paintings & churches. He also wen to Van Houtens nursery with [Joseph] Decaisne's brother, a regimental surgeon. Van Houten has impressive collections of camellias & palms. His collectors in Guiana, Brazil & West Africa were not productive. He is willing to exchange plants with William Jackson Hooker, for things from Antipodes & Jamaica plants such as [Ronald Campbell] Gunn's seeds. All 3 Decaisne brothers, botanist, painter & surgeon, have received the Legion of Honour. At Antwerp saw the cathedral, exposition of plants & botanic garden. Went on to Breda on the 'Diligence' then to Rotterdam & Leiden. At Leiden he has met with [Caspar Georg Carl] Reinwardt & seen the botanic garden, with excellent succulents & Japan duplicates to be sent to RBG Kew. JDH recommends further plant exchanges with the Dutch botanists as they have good connections with the Japan & Java. [Carl Ludwig von] Blume has shown JDH [the Rijkshrbarium] collection of Japan things; which he has at the expense of Siebold & is willing to share with JDH, incl specimen of Staffleria patina. JDH may extend his trip to see HORTUS CLIFFORTIANUS in Harlem & Linnaeus' Lapland dress in Amsterdam. JDH notes how spectacular Blume's collection of Orchideae, drawings & birds is. Visiting Leiden & the Jardin de Plantes, Paris have been epochs in JDH's life. Mentions the high opinion of WJH & his publications in Europe. Discusses his plans for taking over Robert Graham's lectures [at Edinburgh]. Muscologists in Leiden want [George] Gardner's Brazilian mosses.

Hooker Project
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