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Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir William Jackson Hooker
13 September 1849
Source of text:
JDH/1/10 f.207-209, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

JDH wrote to WJH from Yeumtong [Yumthang] & has since been into Tibet by the Donkiah Pass - northwest of Chumalari [mountain] & 30 miles beyond the Himalayan range, like Kongra Lama. The pass is different from the Nepal ones, being very narrow between the mountains Donkiah-lah & Kinchin-jhow. JDH describes the landscape & route of the Lachoong River towards Choongtam & the Lachen River across the Cholamu plains. From the top he could see hills of quartz tinged with iron oxide. He does not doubt that the water north of him & west of the Painomchoo feeds the Arun [river]. The Bhotian people do not distinguish between the ranges. JDH sketches a map of the region. The lakes are inferior to those of Lachong. JDH discusses the elevations of the landscape. He cannot go much further owing to Sikkim opposition & Chinese outposts. They are now cut off from Darjeeling & supplies are dwindling. The Singtam Soubah accompanied him to the pass but has now left. JDH describes the curious flora there, along with the landscape. He compares the valley to the crater of a volcano. JDH describes how a sudden snowstorm smashed his thermometer but the barometer, given to him by Henslow, was miraculously unscathed. The thermometer Sabine sent him arrived just in time. He is also glad of the barometer tubes from Newmann. JDH found rock formations similar to those of Cockburn Island. JDH describes his collections & the local wildlife which includes migratory birds.

Hooker Project
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