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Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Frances Harriet Hooker (nee Henslow)
15 January 1848
Source of text:
JDH/1/10 f.29-31, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Since JDHs last letter from Aden they have been on the Indian Ocean, the most uninteresting sea he has crossed. Sighted Cape Comorin last Thursday & landed at Point de Galle on Friday, a few hours after the 'Precursor'. Thought of FH & English friends on Christmas day. Describes the 'Moozuffer' as more like a yacht than a man of war. Lord & Lady Dalhousie are in the Captain’s cabin whilst he, Fane, Courtenay & Dr Bell are in the ships dirty armoury next to the engine. Indian Navy officers do not like ships being used as passage boats. JDH met a godson of FH’s father, Lieutenant Jermyn. At Ceylon [Sri Lanka] JDH again saw Matilda Rigby who left Colombo where James Smith’s house & property is. JDH finds Lord & Lady D extremely agreeable but indifferent to science. Notes the cuisine as odious. Lady D’s health is better & soon after arriving her father, Lord Tweeddale, Governor of Madras [Chennai], came on board in a grand party. JDH will leave Madras on Friday morning & go to Calcutta [Kolkata]. He has not made many sketches since leaving Cairo, he was too busy botanising in Aden. Nearly all his collections have been destroyed from salt water on board ship. His spare papers were also destroyed so he could not collect at Point de Galle. Intends spending a week with George Gardner [GG] at Candy [Kandy], Ceylon on his way to Borneo. Describes curious boats in Madras. Describes the beauty of Point de Galle & the Cinghalese [Singhalese] people with tortoise shell combs & coca-nut oil in their hair. Notes Areca, Betel-nut palms, bread-fruit, plantain, banana, pineapple, mosquitoes, sand flies & leeches. At Point de Galle party divided into three. JDH went on several walks with GG, his father’s protégé. JDH was glad to introduce GG to Lord D who received him kindly. JDH will write shortly from Calcutta.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Frances Harriet Hooker (nee Henslow)
26 April 1848
Source of text:
JDH/1/10 f.67-68, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Extract of letter to Miss Henslow from JDH. JDH had been waiting for three days at foot of mountains for baggage to arrive before going on to Darjeeling. Baggage secured he describes the onward steep ascent & landscape of fog & forests. Detained at Punkabarrie [Pankhabari] he botanised amongst the rich flora but was plagued by persistent leeches. [Pankhabari]. Vegetation changes from palmy groves at the mountain base to oak & Rhododendron forests with violets, Geraniums, yellow raspberries & red brambles. Night arrival at Pacheem, which is horrible and desolate. Describes dilapidated Swiss style bungalow he stayed in & it's Hindu housekeeper. Batch of letters arrived from Calcutta [Kolkata] enclosing all those from Jan from England. JDH must write to Miss Henslow’s father [John Stevens Henslow] about complicated subject of cultivation in the Himalaya. Wants to tell him also of a Paris found there which has a varying number of flower parts, a subject they once discussed in connection with P. quadrifolia. It is now spring in India & it reminds JDH of an English spring. The early flowers are violets, Paris, Convallaria. The climate of the place is desolate but it is laden with botanical treasures.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Frances Harriet Hooker (nee Henslow)
26 May 1848
Source of text:
JDH/1/10 f.73-74, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Miss Frances Harriet Henslow [FHH]’s letter of 24 Mar has arrived. JDH thanks John Stevens Henslow [JSH] for note received through his mother. Yesterday collected monstrous ear of Thibet [Tibet] barley. Published his thoughts on this subject in the FLORA ANTARTICA; considers the awn to be the lamina of the leaf. Considers geographical distribution of the Cerealia very interesting & is collecting many notes. Discusses observations of crops grown in Sikkim, Bootan [Bhutan], North West Himalaya, Menchoona & Jungle Mehals in the West of Bengal & altitude the crops are grown at. Plants cultivated incl. wheat, barley, peas, orange, beans, buckwheat, sugar came, castor oil, tobacco, mango, jack, radishes, rice, peach, almond, turnip, bamboo, egg-fruited Solanum which make the Brinjals of India,. Is trying to obtain info on crops from Llamas en route to China. A variety of Plantain grows wild among the Rajmahal Hills, has sent collector for specimens from Bhangulpore [Bhagulpur]. Wishes JSH would publish Flora of Cibaria. Describes his day which included a visit to treat Brian Houghton Hodgson Hodgson [BHH], who has been ill. BHH was questioning a man in Thibetan [Tibetan] about geography of Central Asia. Called on Archibald Campbell [AC] to report his return from Nepaul [Nepal] frontiers. Men sent beyond the snows for plants returned, they collected poor, early spring specimens of: Pinus webbiana, three Rhododendrons, Primrose, Yam, Rhubarb, Aconite. Letters from FHH, Falconer, Lord Dalhousie, & Postmasters. Coolies & servants arrived with results of past expedition asking for payment & gifts or 'backsheesh'. Discusses medical work: table-servant, Bengali collectors who took him to Tonglo [Tonglu] & a favourite Lepcha servant called Jippoo are all sick. JDH & Portuguese factotum must do the work of drying plants themselves. Society is wretched but JDH likes the hardworking Lepchas who carry his supplies without complaint, they like him to, or else they would run away.

Hooker Project
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Frances Harriet Hooker (nee Henslow)
26 October 1848
Source of text:
JDH/1/10 f.118-119, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Comments on scarcity of letters from home, one through Southampton, two through Marseilles. JDH details plans to travel through snowy mountains of Nepal & Sikkim despite Rajah's objections. From Darjeeling JDH will go west with Ghurkas to Kinchin Gunga [Kangchenjunga] & the Tibetan Passes. Describes in detail the men, provisions & instruments he will take with him. Has been assisted with preparations & provisions by: Major Crommelin, [Brian Houghton] Hodgson [BHH], the Campbells, the Müllers, Henslow, Mr Reeks of Geological Survey & Assistant Surveyor General Captain Thuillier. Members of expedition party include: Bhotea translator named Adok; trained Lepcha plant collectors; a shooter & stuffer; & Havildar named Nimbo who is the leader of the porters & in charge of JDH's money. JDH has sufficient funds remaining with Vicar & Co. JDH sending home fungi drawings with zoological tracts from BHH to Darwin. Too wet to send plants. Comments on Forbes getting married.

Hooker Project