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Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
23 Jul 1810
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/56, The Linnean Society of London

Discussed [Edward] Rudge's paper with [Robert] Brown and [Jonas] Dryander and attempted to call on Rudge to represent to him that he believed "he had been imposed upon by some one having stolen 2 of the plants from Sir Joseph Banks", but he was out. Asks Macleay to send letter on subject; takes it for granted Rudge knew nothing of the theft, which he charges on [Richard] Salisbury.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
9 Oct 1810
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/57, The Linnean Society of London

Returns sheets. Does not doubt Patrick Neill's sorrow, but he shows "how foolish a figure a man makes who does any thing he would be ashamed to own". Glad that "our other foolish friend", [Edward] Rudge, has withdrawn the two disputed plants from his paper [suspected to have been stolen from Sir Joseph Banks' herbarium]. He and [Dawson] Turner are going to Holkham [Hall, Norfolk, home of Thomas William Coke] for a week.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
27 Oct 1810
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/58, The Linnean Society of London

Condolences on death of "our rough diamond", [Jonas] Dryander. Smith can recommend a new librarian [unnamed] for Sir Joseph Banks but he has "the unsteadiness of a genius", and was educated for "a Moravian minister, but has left that bigotted & tyranical society".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
20 Nov 1810
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/60, The Linnean Society of London

Laments [William Elford] Leach's conduct [Leach initiated a campaign to blackball William Bullock (c 1773-1849), naturalist and antiquary, at the Linnean Society] but thinks the vote of censure and record of it right. Pleased [Edward] Donovan [(1768-1837), zoologist] is cleared of blame. Leach improper to show the confidential letter he wrote him, but he is "ever happy to admit [his] mistakes in judgement or in science", asks Macleay to apologise to Donovan for him.

Suggests [John] Symmons as new vice-president; his qualities; leaves all decisions to Macleay as his work and health prevent a winter visit to London. Necessary for [William Jackson] Hooker's 'Andraea' paper to be corrected and shortened before publication in "Linnean Transactions"; Hooker "entirely out of reach at that confounded place Halesworth, [Suffolk]". Agrees that an index is a good idea, but unable to help himself; he works from 9 to 3 everyday and 7 to 9 almost every evening.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
3 Dec 1810
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/62, The Linnean Society of London

Defends his choice of [John] Symmons for Linnean Society's new vice-president.

Does not think [William Elford] Leach's vote of censure should be rescinded [Leach initiated a campaign to blackball William Bullock (c 1773-1849), naturalist and antiquary, at the Linnean Society]; intends to give him "a good lashing by letter". Hopes Macleay informed [Edward] Donovan [(1768-1837), zoologist] of what he wrote [apologising for thinking Donovan implicated in Bullock dispute] but reminds him that Donovan "is not clear of misrepresentation as to Hugh Davies" [Donovan was also involved in a dispute with Davies]. Would not approve of [Edward] Rudge for vice-president, and [George Annesley's] absence is an "insuperable objection", additional to "some might find other reasons against him, better kept out of sight".

Dreads a winter journey; he is rheumatic, though freer than usual from his "teazing autumnal headaches".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Alexander Macleay
21 Dec 1810
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/63, The Linnean Society of London

Returns proof sheet [of William Jackson Hooker's paper on 'Andraea'] with an added 'Menziesia'. Warns Macleay not to mention "the private anecdote" from India, which he believes false. Pleased Macleay approves of his plans about the vice-president.

The Linnean Society of London