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Sir James Edward Smith
Frances Smith
16 May 1782
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/19/13, The Linnean Society of London

Responds to letters of 3 April [1782] and 5 May [1782]. Pleasure at his successes at Edinburgh and his parents' at Norwich. Hopes his father will be able to pay him a visit. If [James] Crowe does not come to the Highlands intends to embark on his expedition, accompanied by Dr [John] Hope's son, Mr Hardy, and Mr Lubbock. His sorrow at end of the winter lectures and departure of so many students, including [Robert] Batty. He has started attending the Infirmary and has got over his "disagreeable feelings" from his first attendance there. Their Natural History Society goes on "gloriously", Dr [Joseph] Black has recently joined. Intends to try for Dr Hope's medal for best collection of native Scottish plants, and plants of the Materia Medica.

Shortly moving to a new house. Change in [John Henry] Engelhart from being the "delight & ornament of all genteel companies" to becoming a "perfect debauchee who shuns all polite & virtuous people". Arrivall of Mr and Mrs Cleeve, who is a preacher and apparently not well liked. Account of his friend, Lady Reay. Correspondence with [William] Younge, son of Dr Younge of Sheffield. Responds to Norwich news. Recently read a paper before the Natural History Society on the collecting and preserving of plants which was debated for 3 hours.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Frances Smith
22 Jun 1782
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/19/16, The Linnean Society of London

Arrived safely in Sheffield, account of his journey from Edinburgh, via Carlisle, [Cumberland], where he saw Mr Yeates; Kendal, [Westmorland], where he stayed with [Robert] Batty and was encouraged to stay for some time on his return journey, which would be a profitable experience; and Huddersfield, [Yorkshire]. Expects his father and brother Francis next week. Afraid his father thinks him too "precipitate" in coming to meet him in Sheffield.

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Frances Smith
16 Jul 1782
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/19/17, The Linnean Society of London

Hopes his father and brother had a good journey home from Sheffield, [Yorkshire]; their parting was more comfortable than their last. His journey from Halifax, [Yorkshire], to here [home of Robert Batty]. Anxious to get back to Edinburgh. Delights of the countryside here. Yesterday and today they have been dissecting a dog and making anatomical preparations. Norwich news. Batty going to London for a few months and may visit Norwich; recommends him and his flute playing to parents, and for them to show his [Smith's] drawings.

The Linnean Society of London