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William Bingley
Sir James Edward Smith
[Feb 1799]
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/20/86, The Linnean Society of London

Account of his 3 month botanical trip in north Wales, from which he returned in October [1798]: travelled on foot; unable to meet [John Wynne] Griffith [(1763-1834)]; accompanied on his mountain excursions by a non-botanical clergyman with good local knowledge. Plants include: 'Cardamine petraea' notes and observations; specimens for Smith of the three rarer 'Arenaria', 'Polypodium lonchitis', 'Isoetes lacustris', and 'Subularia aquatica'; seed of 'Saxifraga palmata', 'Cerastium latifolium', 'Subularia aquatica', 'Cerastium alpinum', and 'Anthericum serotinum'; 'Formentilla ceptans' with flowers of the 'Formentilla' and 'Potentilla', [William] Withering thinks the two genera should be united. Apologises for not sending rare Welsh plants to [James] Sowerby as intended.

The Linnean Society of London
William Bingley
Sir James Edward Smith
15 Feb 1799
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/20/87, The Linnean Society of London

At Smith's request sends specimens of 'Cardamine petraea', 'Subularia aquatica', 'Arenaria verna', 'A. laricifolia', and 'A. juniperina', and also 'Cochlearia groenlandica', 'Saxifraga palmata', 'Serratula alpina', 'Solidago cambrica', and 'Cardamine hastulata' he now determines as 'Arabis hispida' Linnaeus; requests they be returned except the two Smith likes best. Considers 'Arenaria juniperina' and 'A. laricifolia' varieties of the other; observations on this and other plants sent.

'Cistus marifolius' of "English botany" has every flower with only 4 petals. Glad to accept Cornish specimens; requests 'Pisum maritimum' of Norfolk coast.

In addition to plants already mentioned, sending: 'Gallium boreale', 'Scutellaria minor', 'Silene acaulis', 'Gnaphalium rectum', and 'Veronica spicata' or 'V. hybrida'. Found 'Lobelia dortmanna' in the alpine lakes; offers to send catalogue of the plants he found [on his Welsh botanical excursion].

The Linnean Society of London
William Bingley
Sir James Edward Smith
18 Aug 1799
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/20/88, The Linnean Society of London

Sending specimens to [James] Sowerby for "English botany", plants and habitats: 'Saxifraga umbrosa', 'Carduus helenoides', 'Veronica hybrida', 'Polypodium viviparum', 'P. oreopteris', 'Hypericum pulchrum', 'Cochlearia danica', 'Samolus valerandi', 'Drosera rotundifolia', and 'Drosera longifolia'. Mr Atkinson of Dalton to send 'Geranium lancastriente', 'Artemisea maritima', 'Selinum palustre', 'Massica monensis', 'Inula helenium', 'Crithmum maritimum', and 'Papaver maritimum' of Withering. Shown habitats near Halifax, [Yorkshire], of 'Anemone apennina', 'Arbutus uva', and 'Andromeda polifolia'._x000D_

Now thinks the 'Saxifraga palmata' he sent last year is more likely 'S. hypnoides'; observations. Offers to send Craven and Lancashire specimens of 'Saxifraga umbrosa', 'S. aizoides', 'Arbutus uva-wisi', 'Polemonium caeruleum', 'Dryas octapetala', 'Pyrola rotundifolia', 'Sedum vellosum', 'Polygonum vivparum', 'Melampyrum sylvaticum', 'Centunculus minimus', 'Drotera longifolia', 'Veronica hybrida', and 'Satyrium albidum'._x000D_

Thanks for Linnean Society application certificate. Desirous of seeing Smith's "Flora Britannica" before he publishes account of his Welsh Tour, as he wishes to insert list of habitats of rare Cambrian plants as useful tool for young botanists making same tour.

The Linnean Society of London