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John Pitchford
Sir James Edward Smith
6 Jan 1789
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/24/69, The Linnean Society of London

Comments on 'Ophrys paludos' of "Flora Danica", which resembles 'O. loeslii' Linnaeus; and 'Equisetum sylvaticum', which he discovered to be 'E. fluviatile'. Sends specimens of 'Carex gracilis' Curtis and 'C. caespitosa'; observations, including remarks by [Samuel] Goodenough. Requests 'Dianthus glaucus'.

The Linnean Society of London
John Pitchford
Sir James Edward Smith
4 Feb 1789
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/24/70, The Linnean Society of London

Sends specimens for determination, to be returned: one is possibly the true 'Dianthus glaucus' and the other a 'Potamogeton'. Received letter from [Samuel] Goodenough in which he states 'Carex caespitosa' does not grow in England; disagrees, also mentions 'C. gracilis'. Encloses 'Jungermania asplenioides' gathered near Holy-well, Flintshire; observations, it may be 'viticulosa'.

Asks after particulars of Smith's projected new work ["Icones pictae plantarum"]; hopes he will not forget a "Flora Britannica", the need for one. Sending specimens for Linnean Society of 'Salsola fruticosa' and 'Carex caespitosa' "Fl[ora] Ang[lica]". Believes 'Sparganium natans' will turn out to be 'S. simplex' Fl Ang.

The Linnean Society of London
John Pitchford
Sir James Edward Smith
26 Feb 1789
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/24/71, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for specimens. Asks if [John] Lightfoot's annotated copy of [William] Hudson's "Flora Anglica" is still for sale at White's. [Thomas] Woodward agrees with him that his 'Carex caespitosa' is not 'C. gracilis' in a small state, as Smith and [Samuel] Goodenough think; observations. Sent Goodenough two specimens of a possible 'Galium isuliginosum'. Thanks for Smith's notes on 'Dianthus glaucus'; observations. Sending "smallest known" 'Potamogeton', possibly Hudson's 'P. setacea', and possible 'Lichen pertusus'.

Specimen label attached with note "'Mucor infusorius' Lee", no specimen extant.

The Linnean Society of London
John Pitchford
Sir James Edward Smith
29 Jun 1789
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/24/72, The Linnean Society of London

Sending Smith specimens of 'Holosteum umbellatum'. Congratulates Smith on his publication ["Reliquiae rudbeckianae" (1789)] and praises the drawings. Saw that Smith intends to give up further investigation of English 'Carex caespitosa'; argues that the "great & little plants"are the same species and not varieties, caused by differences in soils and climates. Requests 'Alisma natans'. Mr Rigby, Mr Morgan, and two others are going to the glaciers; hints from Smith on what may be found would be appreciated. Encloses specimen for determination. Found 'Selinum palustre'.

The Linnean Society of London
John Pitchford
Sir James Edward Smith
5 Dec 1789
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/8/59, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks Smith for naming foreign plants he sent, including 'Geranium cicutarium', explains his errors in determining them himself, including: 'Arenaria'; reasons for disputing what Smith named 'Galium pusillum'; uncertain if 'Dianthus rupestris' is not 'Dianthus caryophyllus'; disappointed that Smith has rejected [James] Crowe's 'Rubus [corylifolius]' as a distinct species on [Richard] Salisbury's belief that it is a variety of 'Rubus fruticosos'. Sends regards to [Samuel] Goodenough and [Robert] Batty. The Forsters convinced that [Pitchford's] 'Chenopodium album' and 'Chenopodium viride' are distinct. Crowe growing 'Poa angustifolia' and 'Poa nemoralis'. Observes how different the foreign 'Asperula cynanchica' is from the English one.

The Linnean Society of London