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William Henry Fox Talbot
Sir James Edward Smith
10 Apr 1826
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/10/10, The Linnean Society of London

Continues account of the vegetation of Corfu. Has only explored the environs of the city, but told of "extraordinary" plants in the remoter parts of the island by director of the botanic gardens, including: 'Echium giganteum'; 'Othonna pectinata' and another 'Othonna'; 'Osteospermum piliferum' and 'Osteospermum moniliferum'; 'Nolana prostrata'; 'Chrysocoma coma-aurea'; and a yellow climber, either 'Dolichos' or 'Crotalaria'.

His discoveries: characters of two new 'Euphorbia' resembling 'Euphorbia peplus' and 'Euphorbia exigua'; and found a large white-flowered 'Lithospermum'; 'Stachys spinulosa ?' with white flowers; 'Veronica syriaca'; 'Phleum felinum ?'; 'Convolvulus tenissimus'; 'Crambe corvini' (not in "Prodromus [Florae Graecae]"); 'Lotus tetragonolobus'; 'Lathyrus setifolius'; 'Bunias erucago'; 'Ornithopus scorpioides'; 'Andropogon distachyon'; 'Aristolochia rotunda'; 'Allium subhirsutum'; 'Urospermum picroides'; 'Hesperis verna'; 'Rhagadiolus stellatus'; 'Polypodium leptophyllum ?'; 'Anthyllis tetraphylla'; 'Euphorbia amygdaloides', abundant (not in "Prodromus [Florae Graecae]"); a 'Geranium' with large flesh-coloured flowers; 'Vicca bithynica'; 'Coronilla securidaca'; etc. About to visit island of Santa Maura, the ancient Leucadia.

The Linnean Society of London
William Henry Fox Talbot
Sir James Edward Smith
27 Aug 1826
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/10/11, The Linnean Society of London

Sending a copy of [Antonio] Bertoloni's "Amoenitates Italicae". Compared the collection of plants he gathered from Corfu and other islands with Bertoloni's herbarium, the best in Italy, but still has doubts which he can only clear up by consulting [John] Sibthorp's original specimens. [David] Don [(1799-1841), botanist] wants him to communicate his Ionian flora observations to Linnean Society but does not think them interesting enough. The Ionian 'Umbelliferae' are "numerous & extraordinary" and seem little known, could not even apply genera to many of them, although a copy of "Flora Graeca" in the Grand Duke's Library in Florence was helpful.

The Linnean Society of London
William Henry Fox Talbot
Sir James Edward Smith
31 Aug 1826
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/10/12, The Linnean Society of London

Delaying his Ionian flora paper for Linnean Society until next spring as expects to go to Paris soon. Frustrated by botanical travellers who do not mention in their "Floras" what plants chiefly abound in a district; it is not the few rare flowers that characterise a region's vegetation. Lists the plants that are strikingly abundant on Corfu: 'Phlomis fruticosa'; 'Asphodelus ramosus'; 'Ornithogalum exscapum' Tenore, thinks it the 'Ornithogalum nanum' Sibthorp; 'Geranium umbrosum' Tenore; 'Scilla maritima'; 'Lycopsis variegata'; 'Scrophularia peregrina'; 'Phalaris [ariculata]'. On island of Zante: 'Salvia triloba'; 'Hedysarum humile'; 'Hedysarum caput-galli'; 'Chrysanthemum coronarium'; 'Cynara humilis'?; 'Anthericum graecum'; 'Poterium spinosum'; and 'Cistus salicifolius'.

Has discovered two varieties that may be new species: a 'Lithospermum orientale' which on Corfu always has white flowers, and 'Trifolium stellatum', which elsewhere has pink flowers but on Corfu bright yellow. Found specimen of 'Cytinus hypocistis', it resembles a wax model more than a living plant. An 'Umbelliferae' on Zante with a triangular stem, [Antonio] Bertoloni calls it 'Laserpitium triquetrum'. 'Staehelina chamaepeuce' grows on cliffs on Zante. Did not see 'Veronica chamaedrys' on Corfu but a 'Veronica' very like it. Also found two "very singular" 'Euphorbia', one described by [Felix de Avellar] Brotero [(1744-1828)] as 'Euphorbia [pterococca]' and 'Euphorbia sexangularis' by Sprengel, the other would have been new but it was discovered by [Giovanni] Gussone [(1787-1866)] in Sicily last year.

The Linnean Society of London
William Henry Fox Talbot
Sir James Edward Smith
14 Jan 1826
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/10/7, The Linnean Society of London

Offers to obtain any or all of the Hungarian plants described by [Franz Adam von] Waldstein and [Paul] Kitaibel in ["Descriptiones et icones plantarum rariorum Hungariae"] from a Munich botanist, in exchange for British specimens.

[Note, possibly in Smith's hand] "of Laycock Abbey, Nephew of Ld Lansdown".

The Linnean Society of London
William Henry Fox Talbot
Sir James Edward Smith
21 Feb 1826
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/10/8, The Linnean Society of London

Accepts Smith's invitation to visit Norwich next year to examine Linnaeus' herbarium. Is about to visit the Ionion Islands to study the local flora, intends to take Smith's "Prodomus Florae Graecae" and asks for any other recommendations. Asks if there is any particular family or genus of plants to look out for. Collected many duplicates on his last tour of Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, and Carinthia, including a 'Lilium pumilum' exactly resembling the figure in Loddiges' "Botanical Cabinet" tab 358; and 'Fritillaria lutea' of Marschall von Bieberstein at an elevation of 5000 feet in alpine meadow of Col de Tende, only place hitherto observed in Europe. Currently has a collector in Sardinia.

The Linnean Society of London
William Henry Fox Talbot
Sir James Edward Smith
31 Mar 1826
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/10/9, The Linnean Society of London

Report on the flora of Corfu, although his explorations have not yet extended beyond the city: orange and olive trees loaded with fruit and berries, "gigantic" 'Arundo donax' and 'Cactus opuntia' "diversify the prospect". The hedges are formed of cultivated artichokes, and there are also hedges of scarlet Cape geraniums. Calendar of flora for 31 March, 2 April, and 4 April listing growth and flowering of various plants, including plants not in the "Prodomus Florae Graecae" [the calendar is transcribed in Pleasance Smith's transcription and also online via University of Glasgow, see PubInNote below]. Observed a scarlet cornfield in Italy covered with 'Tulipa oculis-solis', "the weeds of the south of Europe are very handsome".

The Linnean Society of London