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Henry Beeke
Sir James Edward Smith
29 Oct 1799
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/2/26, The Linnean Society of London

Confesses to an error he made in his last letter to Smith regarding 'Sisymbrium monense', which he now supposes to be the variety of 'Erysimum barbarea' Smith refers to in "English Botany" and now has two seedlings of it growing, description of characteristics, differing "very considerably from the American Cress". Having compared prints of 'Melittis grandiflora' and 'Melittis melissopyllum' from "English Botany" concludes that he has never found the latter plant. The 'Lotus' he sent Smith has since been sent to the Oxford Botanic Garden by [James] Dickson. Notes a habitat for 'Convolvulus sepium'. Description and habitat for 'Verbascum blattaria'. Habitat for the 'Inula miginosa' of [John] Sibthorp, suggests [William] Withering's suggsted name of 'cylindrica' is improper, as is Sibthorp's. Glad to hear that Smith is undertaking publication of "Flora Graeca".

The Linnean Society of London
Antonio José Cavanilles
Sir James Edward Smith
16 Oct 1799
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/3/55, The Linnean Society of London

The same as JES/COR/3/54.

The Linnean Society of London
Brownlow North
Sir James Edward Smith
29 Oct 1799
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/7/111, The Linnean Society of London

Convinced that the fructification of what they believe is 'Cycas revoluta' is new to England and possibly Europe; did not see it flower but makes observations on its leaves and fruit; Mr Poulter sent Smith half of one of the fruits, will send more of the fruits himself unless Smith visits soon. One of his daughters is painting the fructification. Asks how to transmit the information to Linnean Society as Linnaeus' only says a few words on the 'Cycas' genus. Will pay for a painter to make an image of it if necessary.

The Linnean Society of London
George Annesley
Sir James Edward Smith
23 Oct 1799
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/7/80, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for seeds, especially of 'Nymphoea adversa', Murchison [his gardener?] skilled at raising seeds. Was forwarded part of [Aylmer Bourke] Lambert's Cape collection, the thirty 'Protea' species the most valuable part. Has grown a red reed 'Erythrina' from seeds sent by [Jelinger] Symons. Received seeds from [Robert] Brown in Jamaica including 'Wrightea superba[?]'. Brown has made a collection of 'Epindendrum' and named a new genus 'Valentiae' from the Blue Mountains in [Annesley's] honour. Anxious to see "Flora Britannica". Smith to receive a letter from [Thomas] Butt. Requests 'Erica' seeds to compliment those received from Lambert. A new painter in his area who will soon rival "most of the Londoners".

The Linnean Society of London
Sir Thomas Gery Cullum
Sir James Edward Smith
25 Oct 1799
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/13/13, The Linnean Society of London

Received visit from [Thomas] Marsham who says the 'Mentha' he sent Smith is 'Mentha sativa'; asks how figure in "English Botany" 448 resembles no.21 in [William] Sole's book ["Menthae Britannicae"]. Does not think Sole is a very skilled botanist, pointing out that Sole considers Dr [John] Hill [(c 1716-1775)] one of the first botanists. Hopes Smith received the parcel of Scottish plants sent by his son from Mr Bruce.

Hears "Flora Britannica" progresses well, recommends providing a reference for plants also appearing in "English Botany". Revd [Henry John] Wollaston has seen 'Senecio paludosus' growing abundantly in ditches near Brayford Water near Lincoln and at Nocton Fen on banks of River Witham leading to Boston, [Lincolnshire], proposes him as a FLS. Lately received letter from [Samuel] Goodenough. Dr [George] Shaw's 'Bradypus ursinus' was exhibited during the Bury Fair; agrees with [Thomas] Bewick's "Quadrupeds" that it is of the genus 'Ursus' and the animal in Bury is male whereas that shown in [Holborn] was a female, makes brief observations, in Latin.

The Linnean Society of London