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Thomas Johnes
Sir James Edward Smith
28 Feb 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/16/83, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for Smith's letters of 8 and 24 [February], gave his daughter [Mariamne Johnes] the packet of seeds. Believes lawyers and liars are "one and the same". Has not read Mrs [Anna Letitia] Barbauld's [(1743-1825), poet and essayist] book yet. Second volume of his [Enguerrand de] Monstrelet [(1400-1453), French chronicler] translation printed up to second volume but other frustrations have delayed publication. Pleased with the books he recently acquired, including five Caxtons. Shall forward Smith's letter to Ireland.

Admires [William] Roscoe's pamphlet and thinks [William] Cobbett's [(1763-1835), political writer and farmer] answer "clumsy". Considering a high relief of a Phoenix and Cicero motto in restoration of his burnt down library. Visiting Hanbury Williams in Bath before going on to London, who informs him that his brother is about to marry Miss Cuyler, daughter of the late general; he will have £3000 in hand and as much in money on death of Mr Knight, whose name he will take. Requests seeds of the "single tree peony" from Lady [Amelia] Hume.

The Linnean Society of London
Archibald Menzies
Sir James Edward Smith
12 Feb 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/24/19, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for copy of Smith's "Introduction to Botany". Comments on error on page 263 regarding a 'Liliaceous' plant found by him on north-west coast of America, encloses note [extant] written by [Richard] Salisbury in margin of Sir Joseph Banks' copy of book stating same, offers to send the drawings and descriptions for Smith to reexamine.

The Linnean Society of London
Aylmer Bourke Lambert
Sir James Edward Smith
4 Feb [1808]
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/6/59, The Linnean Society of London

Sends copy of [Peter] Collinson's [(1694-1768)] manuscripts for approval. Purchased from Lord Bute [John Stuart, 1st Marquess of Bute (1744-1814)] the last part of herbarium of "Garcin" which contains all of Haller's plants including Haller's 'Orchidiae', and Lord Bute's herbarium, which he intends to go to a friend.

The Linnean Society of London
Aylmer Bourke Lambert
Sir James Edward Smith
25 Feb 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/6/60, The Linnean Society of London

Complains about his publisher White who has not sent out books as promised and made imperfect copies of Lambert's book. Complains about an individual [possibly Richard Salisbury] who borrowed Lambert's copy of [Charles] Konig's work on ferns and made notes in the book. After discussion with [Robert] Brown also observed that this individual did the same in Sir Joseph Banks' copy of Smith's "Introduction" in reference to "Menzies plant", a dispute over how he obtained his information. Lord Valentia [George Annesley] has just had a "dreadful operation", the first sheet of his "'Travels" has just been printed, intends addressing Salisbury severely in the first volume over his "very indecent paper". Has just written an account of his own herbarium for possible publication.

The Linnean Society of London
Patrick Neill
Sir James Edward Smith
26 Feb 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/7/99, The Linnean Society of London

Printed letter informing Smith of his election as a non-resident member of Wernerian Natural History Society, signed by Neill as Secretary. Neill has written to Smith on second folio, concedes that the name of the new society "is not very happy" and although named in honour of [Abraham Gottlob] Werner [(1749-1817) German geologist] it will not focus on mineralogy. [Carl Ludwig] Willdenow's book ["The principles of botany"] marred by its faulty translation.

The Linnean Society of London
William Dandridge Peck
Sir James Edward Smith
8 Feb 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/8/15, The Linnean Society of London

Sends copies of medal and jeton struck in honour of Linnaeus, apologises for poor quality. Agrees with Smith that botany is an "introduction to amiable characters", it is inspiring philanthropy in him. Comments on Lord Beauclere's epitaph in Westminster Abbey [Lord Aubrey Beauclerk (? 1710-1741) naval officer]. Received New Holland [Australian] plants from [Aylmer Bourke] Lambert, pleased that so many are named after botanists. Recollects his visit to Norfolk to [James] Crowe's Salicetum and collecting 'Verbascum pulverulentum' and ['Scabiosa']. Leaving Europe shortly, fears he will not be able to meet [Dawson] Turner or [William] Roscoe. Compliments Smith's "Introduction to Botany".

The Linnean Society of London