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William Roscoe
Sir James Edward Smith
7 May 1819
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/118, The Linnean Society of London

Praises Smith's Cambridge pamphlet, which he thinks "unanswerable in argument" and will do much good; highlights chapter three and difficulty of explaining one's religious opinions, and Smith's defence of botany. After long debate it was decided to appoint permanent professors [to the Liverpool Royal Institution] and Smith was nominated professor of Botany, however there is no salary and renumeration based on arrangements made with the committee; requests Smith's repsonse. Thanks for Smith's letter and favourable opinion of his pamphlet. Pleased to hear of Smith's recovery and planned excursion with [Aylmer Bourke] Lambert; asks Smith to recommend the [Liverpool] Botanic Garden to Lambert so they can acquire an off-shoot of his just-flowered Peruvian 'Canna [iridiflora]'. The Garden is setting up a hothouse entirely for 'Scitamineae', to be supplied by Dr [William] Carey [(1761-1834)] of Serampore, [India], and [Nathaniel] Wallich of Calcutta, [India].

[Note in Smith's hand] recording date of letter, "yes".

The Linnean Society of London
Alexander Macleay
Sir James Edward Smith
5 May 1819
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/AM/146, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's letter of 30 [April 1819]. [Augustin] de Candolle and [Louis Claude] Richard [(1754-1821), botanist] elected FMLS, Lamarck and [José Antonio] Pavon unsuccessful; lists results, vexed about Lamarck; changes to Council membership.

Reassures Smith over his remarks on Smith's pamphlets: approves of the last ["A defence of the Church and Universities of England"] and wishes he had not written the one before ["Considerations respecting Cambridge"].

The Linnean Society of London
Josef August Schultes
Sir James Edward Smith
1 May 1819
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/9/36, The Linnean Society of London

Relates history of his edition of Linnaeus' "Systema vegetabilium" produced with [Johann Jacob] Römer [(1763-1819), Swiss physician and botanist] and others, asks Smith to give his blessing to the project and join in the defence against the rival natural systems of [Antoine Laurent de] Jussieu and [Augustin Pyramus] Decandolle. Asks for Smith's advice on the sixth volume, which will include the 'Umbelliferae' and 'Pentandria'.

The Linnean Society of London
Nathaniel Wallich
Sir James Edward Smith
27 May 1819
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/10/69, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's letter of 16 September 1818. Parcel of plants for Smith sent via Captain Craigie of the Hadlow. Plans to send specimens of 'Aeginetia indica' and his own 'Aeginetia pedunculata' ([William] Roxburgh's 'Orobanche'). Will send 'Orchideae', including those described by Smith in Rees' "Cyclopedia", such as 'Neottia tortillis' and 'Neottia procera'; some 'Stelides'; and from Smith's "Exotic Botany" 'Epidendrum praecox', 'Epidendrum humile', and 'Orchis gigantea'. Will also send ferns, a parcel of them already sent to [William Jackson] Hooker. Requests Smith to send duplicates of parcels to Sir Joseph Banks, [Aylmer Bourke] Lambert, and [Edward] Rudge.

Observations and queries on the specimens sent with Captain Craigie, some have been annotated by Smith in pencil, plants include: 'Rubia cordifolia' or 'Rubia mungista'; 'Rubia alata'; 'Galium elegans'; 'Galium asplenifolium'; 'Hedyotis gracilis'; 'Daphne gardneri'; 'Gaultheria fragrantissima'; 'Rhododendron arboreum'; 'Cornus oblongifolia'; 'Berbersi pinnata'; 'Primula denticulata'; 'Paris polyphylla'; 'Pinus longifolia'; 'Triumfetta oblonga'; 'Ajuga hyoscyami'; 'Epidendum praecox'; 'Acrostichum flagelliferum'; 'Stellaria triandra'; 'Tacca palmata'; 'Hoya viridiflora'; 'Fraxinus floribunda'; 'Ligustrum napalense' or 'Ligustrum japonicum'; 'Buddleia paniculata'; 'Teucrium macrostachyum'; 'Jasminum dispermum'; 'Juglans pterococca'; 'Ulmus virgata'; 'Clematis smilacifolia'; 'Andromeda ovalifolia'; 'Ormosia dasycarpa'; 'Combretum costatum'; and 'Quercus spicata' [this is a very long list of plants, only those plants present in the Smith herbarium are listed here, with some exceptions].

Smith has noted on the reverse of this letter that he sent Wallich "Compendium Florae Britannicae".

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
5 May 1819
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/12/48, The Linnean Society of London

Reports on last night's Linnean Society elections: [Augsutin Pyramus] de Candolle and [Louis Claude] Richard [(1754-1821)] elected FMLS, Lamarck and [José Antonio] Pavon were not. [Alexander] Macleay takes on great part of leading the Society. Goodenough thinks Royal and Antiquarian Societies are organised much more efficiently. There is a FMLS vacancy for Professor [Franz Karl] Mertens. Dr Douglas and Mr Brooke were ejected for not paying their dues and [Edward Berkely] Portman [(1771-1823), politican] admitted. Paper on the genus 'Antilope' [by Charles Hamilton Smith (1776-1859)] read, Goodenough wishes a better name for it had been found.

The Linnean Society of London