Search: Smith, James Edward in addressee 
Davall, Edmund in correspondent 
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Edmund Davall
Sir James Edward Smith
25 Feb 1794
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/66, The Linnean Society of London

In a "kind of torpor" and waiting for letter from Smith to reanimate his existence. Aware that Smith's "Sketch of a Tour on the Continent" now published. His last remaining aunt died 31 January of a sudden serious apoplexy at age of 74 and 8 months, having previously been in perfect health. Depressed by his own and his wife's illnesses and threat of invasion by French to his wife and son, and library and herbarium formed at expense of more than a third his patrimony. Asks for Smith's assistance in drawing up plans for a heated greenhouse as no mason or carpenter in his area has an idea of the matter; specifications. Requests copies of Smith's "Tour", volume two of "Linnean Transactions" (1794), and continuation of "English Botany", directions for them to be sent.

Note on left-hand margin of recto of first folio detailing most recent letters received from and sent to Smith.

The Linnean Society of London
Edmund Davall
Sir James Edward Smith
14 Apr 1794
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/68, The Linnean Society of London

Requests translation of [Dietrich Heinrich] Stoever's "Life of Linnaeus". Responds to Smith's letter of 14 March: suffering from "wretchedly weak" stomach and "violent windy colic"; will send further information on Haller's library; will dry 'Orchis abortiva' and 'Satyrium hircinum' for [Thomas] Woodward; offers to send Smith ripe seed of his 'Morina persica' which looks as though it will flower this year; observes that his 'Cerinthe perennis' he wanted to be figured in Smith's "Spicilegium botanicum" is Haller's 'Cerinthe' in his "Historia & Nomenel". Thrilled by Smith's Botany Bay specimens especially 'Epacris', 'Embothrium', new 'Octandria' genus with fruit-like acorn, and obscure 'Diadelphia'.

The Linnean Society of London
Edmund Davall
Sir James Edward Smith
12 May 1794
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/69, The Linnean Society of London

Sending smaller than anticipated parcel of plants via Mandrot. Collated on separate sheet all he knows from [Jacob] Wyttenbach on Haller and his collections [see RelatedMatieral below].

Responds to Smith's observations on plants received via Mandrot June 1793: 'Bromus arvensis' HL, 'Avena strigosa' Schreber, 'Avena strigosa' Retz, 'Triticum tenellum' HL, 'Minuartia campestris' HL, 'Geranium palustre' HL, 'Carex' species, 'Salix incubacea', 'Hieracium', and Lichens: 'Lichen ulmi' Swartz, "aurorae colore" Scopoli, '[Lichen] tumidulus', 'Saxifragus' Smith, and others unnamed [HL probably signifies Herbarium Linnaeus].

Repsonds to Smith's observations in his letter 14 March 1794 on parcel received 10 September 1793: 'Morina pesica', 'Melica ciliata', 'Orchis abortiva' extensive, 'Carex lerporina' L, 'Lichen perlatus', 'Saxifraga mutata'. Would like specimen of 'Ophrys loeselii' in flower to accompany his own in fruit, and 'Malaxis paludosa'.

Includes parcel of mosses, some for [James] Dickson. Asks that [James] Sowerby return plates and copper plates he commissioned.

The Linnean Society of London
Edmund Davall
Sir James Edward Smith
22 Jul 1794
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/14/71, The Linnean Society of London

Delighted by Smith's "Tour", were he ignorant of the author would say "he is the favour'd child of Nature" and enjoyed his remarks on painting. Sends specimens of what he thinks is the 'Carex' like coriander mentioned in "Tour" vol 3 p.142 and corrects errors viz. 'Lichen encaustus' gathered in Alps, of Smith's new lichens only 'exanthematicus' and 'saxifragus' grow near Orbe, Smith's vol 1 p.175 "like a fucus in miniature" [these have all been ticked in pencil]. Sending a few plants. Financial and legal troubles with his wife's eldest brother. Sending plants without numbering, offers to send seed of the 'Verbascum' and 'Digitalis'.

The Linnean Society of London