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Goodenough, Samuel in correspondent 
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Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
3 May 1795
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/25, The Linnean Society of London

Glad Smith liked his sermon; has received many compliments on it. Accepts Smith's change to wording in his paper '[Observations on the British] Fucus' and explains he decided to indefinitely express the notion that 'Fucus' are nourished solely by the surface. Does not agree with Smith over terminology used to describe capsules of '[Carex] pseudocyperus', refers to Linnaeus. Has sown the Rose of Jericho sent by Smith. Offers to have drawn the 'Dentaria bulbifera' which is about to flower in his garden. Sorry that Smith is leaving Great Marlborough Street, largely on account of its turning the Linnean Society adrift. Will enquire about a house on the Mall in Hammersmith. Remarks on formation of Greek words. Does not like [François] Borone's epitaph as there is "too much play on Flora" and fears the phrase "and art thou gone?" without proper cause for its introduction will be ridiculed by wits. Thinks Smith's family epitaph "beautiful" but points out several errors. Sorry that Smith's "Flora" is interrupted ["English Botany"?]. Copies out Smith's family epitaph and marks his alterations.

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
[7 May 1795]
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/26, The Linnean Society of London

Sends specimens of 'Dentaria bulbifera' should Smith wish for [James] Sowerby to draw them. The parcel Smith sent on was from [William] Withering, not [Thomas] Woodward, concerned Woodward's parcel containing rare seaweeds may be lost. Charmed with Smith's "Syllabuys [of a course of lectures in botany]" but advises him not to expand on the contents at full length otherwise it would be "another "Phil[osophia] Botanica" in a fashionable dress". His sermon heavily criticised by in a review ["A sermon [on Psal xvii 13] preached before the Hon house of Commons Feb 25, 1795"]. Asks if Smith thinks he and Woodward are justified in thinking the root of 'Fucus' has something to do with its nourishment; conjectures that it may be where all the nerves of the plant meet.

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
16 May 1795
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/27, The Linnean Society of London

Informs Smith of a house available in Kensington Square. Asks Smith to enquire after a missing parcel of his sent by [Thomas] Woodward to Norwich for Smith to take care of. Received letter from [William] Withering containing specimens and asking about 'Carices', one specimen was labelled as "definitely 'Carex caespitosa'" and the other as Goodenough's 'Carex stricta'; thinks them both 'Carex recurva'. Withering also sent specimen of 'Carex pauicea' with an account of its habitat in Cornwall and asked whether it is [Nikolaus Joseph von] Jacquin's 'Carex praecox'; he "always thought his blunders with 'Carices' inexplicable". Fears that if Smith does leave London it will interrupt his presidency of the Linnean Society "to the sickness if not the death of it"; asks Smith to think how to secure the Society.

The Linnean Society of London