Search: Smith, James Edward in addressee 
Lambert, Aylmer Bourke in correspondent 
1800-1809::1807 in date 
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Aylmer Bourke Lambert
Sir James Edward Smith
13 Apr [1807]
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/6/52, The Linnean Society of London

Saw Lady de Clifford's Chinese botanical drawings, is hoping to buy the remaining half of the packet. Progress of the Marquess' [of Blandford, George Spencer-Churchill] garden at Whiteknights, [Reading, Berkshire], he has planted 85,000 foreign trees since Christmas. Has seen or dined with [Sir Abraham and Amelia] Hume, [Edward] Rudge, [William] Roscoe, Sir Joseph Banks, and Lord Seaforth. Sir Th[omas Gery] Cullum ill.

The Linnean Society of London
Aylmer Bourke Lambert
Sir James Edward Smith
24 Jul 1807
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/6/53, The Linnean Society of London

Asks Smith to review last sheet of his manuscript [on pines], notes that the appendix and plate of 'Dacrydium' is also ready for Smith, particularly wishes to know what Smith thought of his writing on 'Cupressus pendula' of [Carl Peter] Thunberg. Plants from Lord Seaforth's collection coming into flower including a 'Commersonia'. Shortly visiting the Marquess of Bath [Thomas Thynne, 2nd Marquess of Bath (1765-1837)] at Longleat, [Somerset]. The Marchioness of Bath extremely interested in botany and is teaching it to her son. Has been exploring tumuli with Sir Richard Hoare, who is to publish "An account of Antient [sic] Wiltshire". Received letter from [Jacques-Julien de] Labillardière saying he is sending specimens of his New Holland [Australia] plants.

The Linnean Society of London
Aylmer Bourke Lambert
Sir James Edward Smith
5 Sep 1807
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/6/54, The Linnean Society of London

No longer needs Smith to correct the last sheets of his work [on pines]. Received [Alexander von] Humboldt's "Travels in South America", several "Annals of the Museum" with interesting papers by Corrêa [de Serra] on carpology, and a number of Humboldt's "Plantes Equin[octiales]" with figure on the Brazil nut, 'Bertholletia excelsa'. In his "Travels" gives an account of the 'Cusparia febrifuga' which produces the "Angustura bark of the shops", also figured in ["Plantae Aequinoctiales"]. In postcript "I see your friend [Richard Salisbury] has not forgot you in his last number of Para[disus Londinensis]".

The Linnean Society of London
Aylmer Bourke Lambert
Sir James Edward Smith
18 Nov 1807
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/6/55, The Linnean Society of London

This letter is in two parts with Lambert's letter on both folios and Jackson's on recto of the second folio.

Lambert writes: Lord Valentia [George Annesley] giving the manuscript [of his "Voyages and travels"] to the printer. Smith's paper on 'Vitellus' read at Linnean Society. Gives an update on "our worthy friend Alias [Richard Salisbury]" who has sold Mill Hill and moved to town. A dispute between Salisbury and Evans entailing them both going to Bow Street for redress. Examined [Robert] Brown's New Holland [Australia] plants. Has read Smith's account of [Peter] Collinson [(1694-1768), presumably biographical memoir that appears in Smith's "Selection of the Correspondence of Linnaeus" (1821)]. 'Heritiera allughas' Retz. in flower, believes it the first to raised in England. In postcript says Salisbury has left his card but states he shall not return his own.

Jackson writes: Lambert has determined Smith's 'Blygonum' to be 'Setorum' of Jacquin, details of determination.

The Linnean Society of London