Will do all he can to satisfy Smith with Cape 'Orchideae'. Has a young artist to make painting from live specimens, sending figure of 'Disperis villosa' [extant]. Believes a "very splendid" work could be made from having a painting of every Cape species in full flower, with Smith being sent dried specimens to provide full descriptions from; difficulty of transporting live plants back to England.
Has sent promised papers to Sir Everard Home [(1756-1832), physician] describing new species each of 'Hyaena' and 'Hyrax'; observations on gland secretions of former; hopes Home will send them to Linnean Society and that they will be published in "Linnean Transactions". It is his ambition to produce a good work on zoology of South Africa. Many collectors currently here: 3 from Prussia, 3 from France, and 6 from other European countries. Lists some of the curiosities of his portfolio; he is particularly interested in snakes. Mode natural history is now studied makes it easier to notice habits of animals for classification.
Watercolour of 'Disperis villosa'.