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Smith, James Edward in correspondent 
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Francis Hamilton
Sir James Edward Smith
1 Feb 1811
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/2/133, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's letter of 25 April. Expecting to leave [India] in two years and will bring with him a large collection, although it will not be as interesting as the one from Nepal. His collection of fish is more curious and increasing rapidly, has been unable to trace more than a few in Lacépède. This year is working in the Bhagalpur district of India. A squabble the previous year between the British and Nepalese governments has prevented him from obtaining seeds and flowering specimens of the officinal plants of the Indian Alps. Has managed to procure specimens of one genus, similar to 'Caltha', two species used for medicinal purposes and resemble either the 'Ranunculus arvensis' or 'Ranunculus acris', and another species which is one of the most violent poisons known in India and is used by the natives on their arrows.

The Linnean Society of London
Thomas Hardwicke
Sir James Edward Smith
8 Feb 1811
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/22/84, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's letter of 24 April [1810]. Suffering from severe headaches, for which he has just returned from a retreat in the upper provinces; was unable to pursue any natural history inclinations and has become a "much worse botanist" than when he left England; preparing to visit the Cape [of Good Hope] or St Helena for the headaches, and will also visit England if they persist. Whilst at Cawnpore found 'Rhododendrun boorans' for Calcutta Botanic Garden and Marquis of Blandford [George Spencer-Churchill]; [William] Roxburgh sending drawing taken from dried specimen. Also found: 'Berberris ilicifolia', 'Rubus' with yellow fruit, a 'Quercus', 'Pinus longifolia', and a 'Betula'. Transplanted a tree from Cawnpore to Calcutta Botanic Garden, Roxburgh thinks it a 'Humea'; observations.

Has a specimen of 'Breccia' or pudding stone, a mineral, for Sir Joseph Banks. Pleased to hear of Banks' desire to establish a Botanic Garden at Ceylon. Concerned to hear of [Robert] Brown's desertion of the Linnaean School.

The Linnean Society of London
Robert Lyall
Sir James Edward Smith
[Feb 1811]
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/23/94, The Linnean Society of London

Introduces himself. Sends list of habitats of various indigenous plants [see RelatedMaterial below]. Sends a 'Lichen' and a 'Sphaeria' for determination. He has been conducting experiments on the 'Berberis communis' and obtained results similar to those in "Philosophical Transactions [of the Royal Society]". Also sends paper on botanical societies in Manchester [see RelatedMaterial below].

The Linnean Society of London