Search: Smith, James Edward in addressee 
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Edward Williams
Sir James Edward Smith
18 Mar 1801
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/26/53, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for Smith's "authentic & decisive" information in response to his queries; leaves all his specimens in Smith's hands. Was not aware he sent specimens of 'Carex flava' intermixed with those of 'C. fulva'; encloses further spikes of the latter; observations. [Samuel] Goodenough sent him a copy of his "Linnean Transactions" paper on "British species of 'Carex'" but found no reference to himself for variety of 'C. muricata', but confirms the specimens Smith received are the same as the ones he formerly sent Goodenough.

Observations on other plants and specimens, including: 'Carex' resembling 'C. ampullacea', 'Dianthus caryophyllus', 'Mentha gentilis', 'Chara flexilis', encloses specimen of 'Trifolium striatum', saw 'Conferva aegagropila' hopes to acquire specimens soon. Intends to send Smith list of his desiderata.

[Spec 29 written in pencil at head of folio]

The Linnean Society of London
Edward Williams
Sir James Edward Smith
26 Mar [1804]
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/26/54, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's letter; it will give him great pleasure to see Smith here, directions. Apologises for his blunder in naming 'Lichen varians' for 'L. varius'; [James] Dickson marked it 'L. varius'. Uncertain about his parasitic plant, which seems "materially different" from 'Vaccinium oxycoccos'; observations. Thanks for Smith's offer to fulfil his desiderata, remembers two years ago sending a list he concludes did not reach Smith. Pleased to hear third volume of "Flora Britannica" is likely to appear soon.

The Linnean Society of London