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William Roscoe
Sir James Edward Smith
1 May 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/17/60, The Linnean Society of London

Three pages of botanical notes on the different species of 'Canna', including 'C. indica', 'C. coccinca', 'C. pateus', 'C. lutea', 'C. latifolia', 'C. glauca', 'C. flaccida', 'C. angustifolia' Willdenow, 'C. juncea', with details of authorities, varieties, and publications.

Comments on criticism of his paper on 'Scitamineae' made by [Richard] Salisbury and Andrews in "Transactions"; the former spoke well of it except for the figure of 'Curcuma' but the latter was more rude with "much less reason".

Engrossed in politics and expecting to print new pamphlet shortly, but he does not enjoy it. Hopes Smith will establish "Exotic botany" properly; comments on its value as a "periodical vehicle for diffusing sound opinions & Linnaean principles, when they are so frequently disregarded or avowedly attacked", especially as "English botany" is finishing and never had a place for "more general observations"; believes that "heresies" in botany should be opposed by "orthodox doctrines", otherwise "the antipope Jussieu will dethrone our true Pontif Linnaeus"; criticism of Jussieu's system.

Visit by Mr and Mrs Martin [Smith's brother-in-law and sister] with "little Frederick"; pleased to hear Smith may visit Lancashire in near future.

The Linnean Society of London
Gotthilf Heinrich Ernst Muhlenberg
Sir James Edward Smith
19 May 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/24/32, The Linnean Society of London

Received Smith's letter of 22 December 1807, but is hindered by disrupted navigation from sending anything other than a letter. His own observations in response to Smith's observations on plant specimens 703-780. Lists those of his plant specimens sent to Smith still to be determined. [Carl] Willdenow has not written to him for some time, so still in doubt over the specimens he sent for determination.

Received [Dawson] Turner's "Muscologiae Hibernicae" and his treatise on 'Fucus' ["A synopsis of the British Fucus"].

The Linnean Society of London
Patrick Neill
Sir James Edward Smith
17 May 1808
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/7/100, The Linnean Society of London

Lists general contents of the Wernerian Natural History Society's first volume. The Edinburgh Natural History Society founded by Smith, of which Neill was Secretary for two years, is in a "flourishing state", botanical members include Mr Shuter, Mr Kennedy, and Edward Maughan. Neill had hoped to incorporate the two societies but due to their different natures and composition of members was impossible. Admits that the Wernerian name has caused some offence. A blunder over 'Dicksonia arborescens'. 'Lichen frigdus' figured in "English Botany" covers Hoy Hill, Orkney. Location for indigenous 'Imperatoria ostruthium'.

The Linnean Society of London