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Thomas Johnes
Sir James Edward Smith
22 Sep 1810
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/16/89, The Linnean Society of London

Sending portfolio of drawings soon but Stadler wants them a little longer. Has not had his copies of his [Enguerrand de] Monstrelet [(1400-1453), French chronicler] translation; describes the contents. Discusses a poem and biography of [Emperor] Maximilian [I (1459-1519)] with curious wood cuts by same engraver; lost copies of both in his library fire and replaced former but not the latter yet.

Employing himself in "all the luxury of complete idleness". Though books in Britain are selling at "immense" prices surprised by prices in France, citing recent publication of three part work on Egypt containing 840 prints on vellum paper costing 5400 francs [pencil annotations of other figures]. Had some fine drawings for French edition of Monstrelet but they arrived too late. Decoration of his hall.

The Linnean Society of London
Aylmer Bourke Lambert
Sir James Edward Smith
11 Sep 1810
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/6/71, The Linnean Society of London

Specimens and seeds for Lambert, Smith, [Robert] Brown, and Liverpool Botanic Garden from [William] Roxburgh. Received letter from Francis Buchanan just returned from two year absence to Calcutta, India. Received specimens from Nevis from [James Webbe] Tobin [(d 1814)] including 'Sophora [...]sperma' in flower. Met Lord Grenville [William Wyndham Grenville, 1st Baron Grenville (1759-1834)] at Whiteknights [home of George Spencer-Churchill, Marquess of Blandford] who is creating large collection of plants and arboretum of pines. Lord and Lady Essex, Countess Brühl, and Sir Walter Scott were also in attendance. Blandford has spent £7000 on his garden in last three years including £3000 on hardy shrubs. Describes a 'Convolvulus' at Englefield, Berkshire, bearing thousands of flowers, sent specimen to Soho Square [home of Sir Joseph Banks], "they know nothing of plants". Describes an 'Anneslea' of Roxburgh's in White Knights aquarium. Has found amongst [Edward Daniel] Clarke's Egyptian specimens 'Mimosa lebbeck', believes it is 'Mimosa speciosa'. Mr Baker intends to buy Sudley [Sudeley] Castle Estate, Gloucestershire.

The Linnean Society of London
Patrick Neill
Sir James Edward Smith
10 Sep 1810
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/7/101, The Linnean Society of London

His sarcastic review of Smith's "Introduction to Botany" in the "Edinburgh Review" a mistake as it was published before he could edit it, and that it was written years ago for another purpose. Stands by his remarks on its "delicacy", having found [Carl Ludwig] Willdenow's translated work ["The principles of botany"] unsuitable for "young ladies". Believes Smith incorrect on gases and that whilst odours may be products of natural bodies atmospheric air is not. About to embark on a mineralogical tour [of the Hebrides]. Has seen the "very splendid and costly "Hafod Tour"".

The Linnean Society of London
Samuel Goodenough
Sir James Edward Smith
14 Sep 1810
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/11/89, The Linnean Society of London

Thinks German botanist [Johannes] Flüggé [(1775-1816)] is correct in use of 'Paspalus' over 'Paspalum'; discusses the etymology, there can be "no dependence upon Linnaeus for learned criticism". 'Datura stramonium' is "equally efficacious with the foreign plant [unspecified]" for curing the "asthma with paroxysms". His yellow carnation has not flowered this year. Harvest now in great activity, they have had a few days of curious weather. Recently endured a very wet botanical excursion with his family into the high mountains, gathered 'Lycopodium selago', 'Lycopodium clavatum', 'Lycopodium alpinum', 'Empertum nigrum', 'Pteris crispa', 'Aspidium thelypteris', 'Parnassia palustris', and a few Lichens. Growing very fond of Rose Castle and area.

The Linnean Society of London