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Birch, Frederick ("Fred") in correspondent 
Wallace, Alfred Russel in correspondent 
1910-1919::1910::12 in date 
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Frederick ("Fred") Birch
Alfred Russel Wallace
15 December 1910
Source of text:
Natural History Museum, London: NHM WP1/6/7

Delay in plans to leave for another part of Brazil as wife Mary expecting a child in March and no replies (re suitability of the area) from correspondents in Espirito Santo, Victoria; has collected many new beetle species though butterflies scarcer than before, will risk posting a box of Lepidoptera to Mr May in Rio; considering moving to Caravellas or Peruhype, quotes a letter from Mr Scofield recommending both areas as ideal sites for insect collecting, will write to [Eugenis] Reiche about housing; describes capture and photographing of a sloth which bit him through the thumb, sloth's fur infested with many small moths similar to Depressaria; thanks for copies of N.A. (The New Age; wheat planted according to Cotton's methods thriving.

Alfred Russel Wallace Correspondence Project