Search: Winch, Nathaniel John in addressee 
Smith, James Edward in correspondent 
Winch, Nathaniel John in correspondent 
1810-1819 in date 
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Sir James Edward Smith
Nathaniel John Winch
18 Oct 1810
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/MS321/2, The Linnean Society of London

Received Winch's letter of 1 June [1810] via [James] Sowerby; uncertain whether it was lost in his "multifarious museum". He has been working on the 'Lichen' part of his fourth volume [of "Flora Britannica"] but cannot begin it for the press until [William Jackson] Hooker comes to a conclusion with his 'Jungermanniae' ["British Jungermanniae" (1816)].

Numbered observations on Winch's plants: 1. 'Lichen rupestris'; 2. 'L. pruinosus'; 3. 'Hypnum rugosum'; 4. 'Gymnostonum'; 5-9. marked doubtfully by [Dawson] Turner, not confident of any of them. Uncertain who told them that 'Pyrola media' was found at Studley, [Warwickshire]; they must always be on guard against such erroneous information and mistaken species; determined to admit nothing into the sequel to his "Flora" of which he has not a specimen himself to examine and keep as an authority. 11. 'Chironia littoralis'; 12. a 'Juncus', possibly his 'J. maritimus'; 13. 'J. campestris'; 14. 'Agrostis fascicularis' Curtis; 'A. pumila', does not think it a species.

Turner, Hooker, and himself all "truly concerned" that Winch should have any "gloom" in his prospects, and hope they soon brighten.

[On recto of second folio] List of 15 plants sent 10 June 1810, corresponds with Smith's observations above [in Winch's hand].

The Linnean Society of London
Sir James Edward Smith
Nathaniel John Winch
8 Jul 1812
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/MS321/3, The Linnean Society of London

Going to the seaside to recruit his strength after a long illness so only able to send half a dozen of Winch's desiderata of rarities; writing to Bishop of Carlisle [Samuel Goodenough] for 'Galium witheringii'. Thanks for the mosses. [Dawson] Turner and [William Jackson] Hooker both well, but like himself have "very little time for correspondence, except of the most urgent kind".

[On recto of second folio] Various lists of plants sent January 1811; July 1812; 26 July 1813; 6 October 1813; "sent to Sowerby", letter sent to Smith 13 May 1813; some notes [in Winch's hand, 3 pp, see RelatedMaterial below].

The Linnean Society of London