Sending plants collected during 3 month excursion with [George] Bentham in summer of 1825 to eastern and high Pyrenees; Bentham has published catalogue of the flora of Pyrenees. Plants sent include: 'Lithospermum oleifolium'; 'Vicia argentea'; 'Seseli montanum'; asks if 'Cynoglossum sylvaticum' of England is same as that of Hancke; asks the true character between 'Sideritis hyssopifolia' and 'Sideritis scordioides'; 'Veronica fruticulosa'; after observations fears 'Ajuga alpina', 'A. geneventis', and 'A. pyramidalis' form one species; 'Orobanche pruinosa'; at Strasbourg determined that 'Potamogeton cuspidatum' gathered near Forfar is identical with 'P. zosterifolius' Schum; observations on all. Smith may find it useful to have the French synonyms for British species; he would have found it useful to have references given to DeCandolle's works in determining Pyrenee plants.