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William Bingley
Sir James Edward Smith
9 Aug 1813
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/20/100, The Linnean Society of London

Informed in confidence that [Charles] Konig will most likely become Keeper of Natural History at British Museum in consequence of his "great exertion" in arrangement of the Greville minerals. [Bingley] believes he has great friends in the Museum, having heard of [George] Shaw's death less than 24 hours later.

Pledges his support to Smith for situation of Professor of Botany [at Cambridge], though his name has long been taken off the boards for voting. Asks for Smith's continued support in his campaign for Keeper position, and to interest Bishop of Winchester [Brownlow North], Archbishop of Canterbury [Charles Manners-Sutton (1755-1828)], and Sir Joseph Banks to his cause.

The Linnean Society of London
William Bingley
Sir James Edward Smith
18 Aug 1813
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/20/101, The Linnean Society of London

Lists the candidates for [Charles] Konig's now vacant position [for Assistant Keeper of Natural History at British Museum]: Dr [William Elford] Leach, Mr Wood, Mr Lawrence, and Mr Thompson; requests information on Leach and Thompson. Transcribes letters of support from the Bishop [of Winchester, Brownlow North] and Lord Malmesbury [James Harris, 1st Earl of Malmesbury (1746-1820)]. Will support Smith's application for Professor of Botany [at Cambridge], asks for particularls of "Flora Graeca" so as to better argue Smith's claim.

The Linnean Society of London
William Bingley
Sir James Edward Smith
2 Nov 1813
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/20/102, The Linnean Society of London

Has already been promoting Smith's candidature at Cambridge [for botany professorship]. Election at the British Museum [for position of Assistant Keeper of Natural History] has not yet taken place; understands that Sir Joseph Banks is the "real mover" behind the decision and asks for Smith to intercede for him and argue that his "Animal Biography" should not be used to judge his talents, rather his "British Quadrupeds" should be used [Bingley was ultimately unsuccessful and William Elford Leach was appointed].

The Linnean Society of London
William Bingley
Sir James Edward Smith
12 Mar 1798
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/20/84, The Linnean Society of London

Introduces himself; his acquaintance with Smith's brother, J F Smith of Wakefield. Lists habitats of rarer plants not yet figured in "English botany", found in Yorkshire: 'Saxifraga umbrosa'; 'Saxifraga granulata'; 'Carduus helenioides'; 'Cistus heleanthemum'; 'Sedum telephium'; 'Rhodiola rosea'; 'Saxifraga oppositifolia'; 'Butomus umbellatus'; 'Veronica sentellata'; 'Spergula nodosa'; 'Blechnum spicant'; 'Plantago coronopus'; 'Hippuris vulgaris'; 'Malva moschata'; 'Hypericum humifusum', 'Antirrhinum spurium' and 'Antirrhinum elatine'. Will send specimens of 'Saxifraga umbrosa' when next in Yorkshire and any other rare plants he encounters.

As he only started studying botany two years ago asks how to ascertain the legitimacy of location of plants, referring to article in "Gentleman's Magazine" of October 1796 which he finds insufficient. Just found 'Vinca minor' and 'Helleborus foetidus'.

The Linnean Society of London
William Bingley
Sir James Edward Smith
26 Jun 1798
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/20/85, The Linnean Society of London

Apologises for not being able to send Yorkshire specimens of 'Saxifraga umbrosa', 'Carduus helenioides', and 'Rhodiola rosea'. Smith's "obliging letter" has led him to be so much more attentive to study of botany that he is to embark on a botanical excursion to Wales. Requests directions on procuring and preserving Lichens. Ponders the propriety of calling on Welsh botanists without formal introduction; would especially like to meet [John Wynne] Griffith [(1763-1834)] of Garn, Denbighshire.

The Linnean Society of London
William Bingley
Sir James Edward Smith
[Feb 1799]
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/20/86, The Linnean Society of London

Account of his 3 month botanical trip in north Wales, from which he returned in October [1798]: travelled on foot; unable to meet [John Wynne] Griffith [(1763-1834)]; accompanied on his mountain excursions by a non-botanical clergyman with good local knowledge. Plants include: 'Cardamine petraea' notes and observations; specimens for Smith of the three rarer 'Arenaria', 'Polypodium lonchitis', 'Isoetes lacustris', and 'Subularia aquatica'; seed of 'Saxifraga palmata', 'Cerastium latifolium', 'Subularia aquatica', 'Cerastium alpinum', and 'Anthericum serotinum'; 'Formentilla ceptans' with flowers of the 'Formentilla' and 'Potentilla', [William] Withering thinks the two genera should be united. Apologises for not sending rare Welsh plants to [James] Sowerby as intended.

The Linnean Society of London
William Bingley
Sir James Edward Smith
15 Feb 1799
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/20/87, The Linnean Society of London

At Smith's request sends specimens of 'Cardamine petraea', 'Subularia aquatica', 'Arenaria verna', 'A. laricifolia', and 'A. juniperina', and also 'Cochlearia groenlandica', 'Saxifraga palmata', 'Serratula alpina', 'Solidago cambrica', and 'Cardamine hastulata' he now determines as 'Arabis hispida' Linnaeus; requests they be returned except the two Smith likes best. Considers 'Arenaria juniperina' and 'A. laricifolia' varieties of the other; observations on this and other plants sent.

'Cistus marifolius' of "English botany" has every flower with only 4 petals. Glad to accept Cornish specimens; requests 'Pisum maritimum' of Norfolk coast.

In addition to plants already mentioned, sending: 'Gallium boreale', 'Scutellaria minor', 'Silene acaulis', 'Gnaphalium rectum', and 'Veronica spicata' or 'V. hybrida'. Found 'Lobelia dortmanna' in the alpine lakes; offers to send catalogue of the plants he found [on his Welsh botanical excursion].

The Linnean Society of London
William Bingley
Sir James Edward Smith
18 Aug 1799
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/20/88, The Linnean Society of London

Sending specimens to [James] Sowerby for "English botany", plants and habitats: 'Saxifraga umbrosa', 'Carduus helenoides', 'Veronica hybrida', 'Polypodium viviparum', 'P. oreopteris', 'Hypericum pulchrum', 'Cochlearia danica', 'Samolus valerandi', 'Drosera rotundifolia', and 'Drosera longifolia'. Mr Atkinson of Dalton to send 'Geranium lancastriente', 'Artemisea maritima', 'Selinum palustre', 'Massica monensis', 'Inula helenium', 'Crithmum maritimum', and 'Papaver maritimum' of Withering. Shown habitats near Halifax, [Yorkshire], of 'Anemone apennina', 'Arbutus uva', and 'Andromeda polifolia'._x000D_

Now thinks the 'Saxifraga palmata' he sent last year is more likely 'S. hypnoides'; observations. Offers to send Craven and Lancashire specimens of 'Saxifraga umbrosa', 'S. aizoides', 'Arbutus uva-wisi', 'Polemonium caeruleum', 'Dryas octapetala', 'Pyrola rotundifolia', 'Sedum vellosum', 'Polygonum vivparum', 'Melampyrum sylvaticum', 'Centunculus minimus', 'Drotera longifolia', 'Veronica hybrida', and 'Satyrium albidum'._x000D_

Thanks for Linnean Society application certificate. Desirous of seeing Smith's "Flora Britannica" before he publishes account of his Welsh Tour, as he wishes to insert list of habitats of rare Cambrian plants as useful tool for young botanists making same tour.

The Linnean Society of London
William Bingley
Sir James Edward Smith
4 Mar 1800 [1801]
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/20/89, The Linnean Society of London

His popular natural history work ready for the press. Asks Smith's opinion on value of a "Synopsis of British Zoology" in manner of [William] Withering's botanical work. Asks generic name of the "ligneous ropes" growing on trees of tropical forests, called 'Nebees' in Stedman's "Account of Surinam" and 'Bejucos' in another. Asks Linnaean names of the hooded-serpent, cobra di Capello, and locust of the eastern countries. Asks for verification of [John] Latham's statement that cygnets are fed for Christmas table in Norwich and sold for a guinea each. Asks for verification tale of a New Holland insect still living after being pinned for duration of voyage. Requests Smith's assistance with his Royal Society of Edinburgh candidature. Intends to visit North Wales again soon.

The Linnean Society of London
William Bingley
Sir James Edward Smith
14 Jun 1800
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/20/90, The Linnean Society of London

Dedicating his "Tour Through North Wales" to Smith, designed to aid future tourists. Proposes writing a popular book on Natural History ["Animal biology" ?]; his plan for the work; aimed chiefly at women; asks Smith's opinion.

The Linnean Society of London
William Bingley
Sir James Edward Smith
3 Aug 1800
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/20/91, The Linnean Society of London

Details of the Matlock, [Derbyshire], 'Achillea', acquired from person who communicated it to [James] Sowerby. Mrs Sherbrooke cautions against adopting new plants from Matlock neighbourhood as several years some gentlemen had scattered seeds of exotics in various places. Does not consider the 'Fumaria lutea' of "English botany" a native of Fountains Abbey, [Yorkshire]; thinks the 'Impatiens noli-tangere' on banks of river at Studley Park was purposely sown; doubts over 'Daphne cneorum' of Snowdon._x000D_

Writing a history of music and then to work on his popular natural history book. Asks if Linnean Society books can travel into the country. Requests exotic plants for Mrs Sherbrooke's almost completed greenhouse.

The Linnean Society of London
William Bingley
Sir James Edward Smith
10 May 1801
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/20/92, The Linnean Society of London

He has just finished 'Mammalia' for his ["Animal biography"], his present authorities are Gmelin's "Systema naturae", [Thomas] Pennant's "British Zoology", Pennant's "Synopsis of Quadrupeds", and [George] Shaw's "Arctic Zoology"._x000D_

Has chosen title "Sketches of Nature, descriptive principally of the Economy of the animal and vegetable kingdoms", manuscripts now in London._x000D_

Transcription of specimen passages for his "Synopsis of British Zoology", for criticism [2 pp]._x000D_

Intends to visit North Wales again, prior to publication of second edition of his tour; expects to receive assistance from [Hugh] Davies, and would like to access Pennant's papers; will send [James] Sowerby rare plants.

The Linnean Society of London
William Bingley
Sir James Edward Smith
23 Dec 1801
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/20/93, The Linnean Society of London

Sends specimen pages of the manuscript for his new 4 volume work on Natural History, for Smith's opinion; the "tribunal of the public is a somewhat awful one to young writers". The arrangements principally adopted from Gmelin's ["Systema naturae"], [George] Shaw's "General Zoology", and [John] Latham's "Synopsis [of birds]"

The Linnean Society of London
William Bingley
Sir James Edward Smith
30 Dec 1801
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/20/94, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for Smith's criticisms and approval of his manuscript; his intention for it not to claim attention but to be useful. Altered the section on bats following Smith's comment that he had made free with [George] Shaw's work. Preparing second edition of his Welsh tour; spent four months there this summer; intends to include sketch of [Thomas] Pennant's life in style of anecdote, which seems to lay "the greatest hold on the attention of the public".

The Linnean Society of London
William Bingley
Sir James Edward Smith
3 Dec 1803
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/20/95, The Linnean Society of London

Second edition of his tour of North Wales to appear shortly, updated from findings of second tour undertaken in 1801. Second edition of his "Animal Biography" also to appear; has material to take it from 3 to 4 volumes; new edition to stay with 3; 750 copies printed. He is now using German writers and untranslated French works for information; difficulty of obtaining Schreber's "Mammalia" and Bloch's "Ichthyologie"; uses British Museum Library; relying on Rees' "Cyclopedia" natural history writers. Requests list of suitable zoology books.

Hopes Smith is not concerned at his library and collections becoming spoils of war; concern for [Adam] Afzelius in Sierra Leone. Asks if there is a French translation of Bloch. Collecting 'Coleoptera'. Asks if Smith wants Hampshire fossils.

The Linnean Society of London
William Bingley
Sir James Edward Smith
24 Dec 1803
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/20/96, The Linnean Society of London

Thanks for foreign [zoology] book recommendations. Asks for introduction for Dr Morgan to use Sir Joseph Banks' library.

The Linnean Society of London
William Bingley
Sir James Edward Smith
14 Mar 1804
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/20/97, The Linnean Society of London

Asks if there is a "manufactory of cast chains" in Norwich. Thanks for Smith's introduction for Dr Morgan to [Jonas] Dryander and Sir Joseph Banks' library, which he intends to use to view works by Schreber and Bloch. Corrects Smith on Dr Morgan's identity, who is a young man. Offers to send copy of his work on Welsh music, knowing that Smith is musical.

The Linnean Society of London
William Bingley
Sir James Edward Smith
23 Nov 1804
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/20/98, The Linnean Society of London

Written on printed survey for Bingley's book "British Zoology" [2 pp], comprising a list of animals and three queries on habits and corrections. Thanks for Smith's comments on his "Tour of North Wales". Working on "British Zoology" alongside his county history [of Hampshire]; particularly using Sonnini and La Cepede. Requests introductions to naturalists, particularly [William] Markwick, [George] Montagu [(1753-1815), naturalist], and [Dawson] Turner.

The Linnean Society of London
William Bingley
Sir James Edward Smith
5 Aug 1813
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/COR/20/99, The Linnean Society of London

Has applied for position of Keeper of Natural History at British Museum vacant by death of [George] Shaw; solicits Smith's support. [William George] Maton has presented his application to Sir Joseph Banks. Expects to finish his history of Hampshire within the next year and to then devote himself to natural history. Requests Smith to present his application to the Bishop of Winchester [Brownlow North].

The Linnean Society of London
William Bingley
Sir James Edward Smith
19 Jul 1817
Source of text:
GB-110/JES/ADD/5, The Linnean Society of London

Sends his book ["A practical introduction to botany" (1817)], which he has found useful "in instructing a female relative".

The Linnean Society of London