William Thomas Brande
Sir John Herschel
7] March [1855
Source of text:
TxU:H/M-0116.2; Reel 1087
Gives former reason for retaining Charles Stiles, who may now be dismissed.
John Herschel Project
Showing 1–5 of 5 items
Gives former reason for retaining Charles Stiles, who may now be dismissed.
Wages and overtime pay for Patrick Shanahan.
Notified Patrick Shanahan that his pay requires 12 full hours attendance. Gave Charles Stiles one week notice of termination. Forwarded 'Parisian Memorandum to Mr. Napier.'
Will produce 6,000 Crimean medals each week, as soon as Benjamin Wyon provides reverse dies.
Estimates cost of producing a single [Crimean] medal at 35 shillings. Die Department now working 13 hours daily on medal.